14. Phoenix Force

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"We're back." Blitzkrieg says as he drops his gear into the decontamination chute.

"Good. Boss said to prepare for our move, so go take a nap." Hardwire says.

Today was the big day. The PHNX Force and Rhodes Island agreement, known as the Firebird Pact, would be put into action. Rhodes Island would have PHNX Force as an ally and would move into RI, and RI would supply them what they needed for their operations.

"What's the big deal with this?" Maniac grunts. "I mean I understand what's gonna happen... but why so much preparation?"

Storm hits him lightly on the head before picking up her box of personal items.

"Because Timo, we have to show we aren't a bunch of bumbling morons." She says. "And because we're moving into a new space, so stop groaning and get moving."

"Yeah right Mya. At least you got backup on your mission. Next time you can go throw cans of napalm at Sicilians for a few hours while trying to not get spotted."

Juggernaut walks in, causing everyone to stand up and salute.

"Sir. Preparations are almost-"

She's cut off by a wheezing sound that comes from Hardwire.

"You guys... you guys really took me seriously... when I said they asked us to- BWAHAHAH!" She roars.

"I swear Eliza, I'm going to-"

'...I see. Anyways, Kal'Tsit, Amiya, and the Doctor will be here soon. Don't start fighting now, understood? '

"Yes sir." Everyone echoes.

And so they began finishing preparations for their arrival.

Two hours later...

Storm walks into Juggernaut's study, finding them reading deep into a slightly burnt, leather covered book.

"Sir, preparations have been complete." She says softly. "Do you need anything?"

'No. Thank you though Mya.' Juggernaut signs, closing the book and sliding it onto their shelf.

"...Sir. Are you truly okay?"

'To be honest, no. I have... if not fond, then positive memories of this place. We will come back, though I will miss the quietness of this place.'

"I see. Well, your advice is the best I have. 'Do not hold onto the past, but the anchor of the future.' How about... we both trust that right now?"

Standing up, Juggernaut turns to Storm.

'Indeed. Our 'partners' should have arrived by now. Shall we meet them? '

"Whatever you choose, sir."

The two exit the study, and look down to see Amiya, Doctor Ama, and Kal'Tsit below.

"...Welcome." Storm says, her loud yet stern voice echoing through the building. "To the home of Phoenix Force."

"Wow..." Amiya says, in awe of both nature and technology working in unison to weave the walls of the building, floors, and structure of the building.

"We're eco-friendly here. Solar energy covers most of our power supply too, but we aren't here to talk about this place." Hardwire says, putting a hand on Amiya's shoulder.

Doctor Ama looks up to see Juggernaut unarmored, the scar across their throat crawling up their face as they look down back at her, red eyes piercing her soul.

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