9. ...Taken to the Grave.

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Skullshatterer continues to fire their grenades launchers, forcing Hoshiguma and Juggernaut to step forward to shield the others from the onslaught.

'Hoshiguma, take some of your units and swing around the left to catch their attention. Amiya, take Liskarm and Franka, then go cut the ones chasing Hoshiguma off  from the group and take them out.' Juggernaut hastily signs, receiving a nod from the two.

"I'll cover the right side." Ch'en says, rushing off with a few LGD units.

Juggernaut begins taking one step at a time forward, taking blast after blast from Skullshatterer as they keep their pace.

"I guess this was our fate all along Juggernaut..." Skullshatterer says.

'There is a difference between fate and choice. Only you can decide that for yourself though. ' Juggernaut signs before swinging at a few Reunion members with their hammer.

"Then what is this to you?"

'My choice to protect people. My fate to watch the world crumble around me.'

Skullshatterer stops responding as they begin firing at the other operators.

"Destroy them!" They shout, receiving a cheer from the Reunion forces.

'I'm sorry.'

The two forces clash like tidal waves, crashing into each other with a roar as both sides charge forward with one goal in mind.

Destroy the enemy.

Juggernaut locks shields with the LGD units and slams their fist on the shield, causing the fronts of the shields to begin burning and cracking with fire and miniature explosives. The Reunion forces that rush forwards are blasted back, causing chaos in their ranks as the LGD counterattack.

Juggernaut grabs one Reunion member, throwing them into the crows before punching another in the gut. Grabbing their hammer off their back and it quickly bursts into flame as they slam it into the ground, sending both Heavy Defenders and Casters alike into the air.

"DIE!" One screams behind them, before being cut down by Ch'en.

"Keep moving!" She shouts, rushing back ahead.

Juggernaut barrels forward, thundering through the enemy force towards Skullshatterer, who in turn draws their blades and attacks.

The two clash as Juggernaut sweeps their sledgehammer, knocking Skullshatterer back as they trade blow after blow, strike after strike.

"It's time to end this Juggernaut!" Skullshatterer says. Juggernaut, however, knows this isn't Skullshatterer.

Because they call them the Titan of the North.

Juggernaut, with one swift strike, crushes Skullshatterer's ribs, sending them flying into a building.

The rest of the Reunion forces, lost without their leader, are either swiftly cut down or begin fleeing. Amiya walks over to Skullshatterer's corpse and pulls off the mask... revealing Misha's face.

Ch'en follows behind, ready to speak until catching the eyes of Juggernaut, who shakes their head and shoos her away. Carefully turning to Amiya, they put a hand on her shoulder.


"Why Juggernaut? Why did it have to be like this?" Amiya says, voice shaking.

'Amiya, do you want to hear what I want to say, or what you want to hear?'

She quietly looks up at the gentle eyes of Juggernaut.

"Tell me what you want to say."

'We all make choices. It was her's to do this. It was mine to promise the REAL Skullshatterer that I would bring the two back to Ursus if this ended in blood. Now Amiya, I have a question. What choice will you make? '

"I-I don't understand."

'Will you give their ghosts peace, and leave your regrets of this behind... or will you become one of them and hold onto your mistakes forever? '

Amiya leans against the massive steel encased person beside her, and closes her eyes.

'There is no RIGHT choice Amiya. There is no black and white. Only what's next... and now.'

"What did you do then? What choice did you make to get here?"

'...I chose to forget what I did back then, so that I may enjoy what I have now. Come on then, I'll carry you back to the Ark.'

(Okay, new question. BEFORE YOU SKIP JUST LISTEN OKAY? I'm either gonna do 
Heart of The Surging Flame event (Juggernaut's *ahem* relaxation.)
Grani and the Knights Treasure (Basically how Juggernaut met Skadi.)
So uh... pick one. I'll do the other later tho. Thanks for reading. <3)

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