15. Operation Hellfire

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The Contingency Contract. Something PHNX Force has waited to do for a very long time.

"So we finally get our revenge against him?" Hardwire asks, adjusting the strap on her shoulder pads.

"Yep." Blitzkrieg says, twirling his shortsword in hand before sheathing it. "Moonlight and the others are waiting in the debrief room. Let's roll."

The two rush off to the debrief room, where Juggernaut, Kal'Tsit and the Doctor stand waiting alongside a peculiar looking Liberi, and a white haired woman.

"We're here." Blitzkrieg says.

'Good. Our contract is simple. Eliminate a HVT and get out. Location is RIM Billington.'

"Who are these two?" Blizkrieg asks. "I know Moonlight, but not the other one."

'This is Sera. She'll be working with us today.'

The Liberi simply nodded and kept silent, only darting a look to both Hardwire and Blitzkrieg to in a sense, say a silent hello. 

"Anyway, you will be departing soon enough, we already explained the intricacies to Juggy, he will brief you on the way to the site." Doctor Ama started, giving a look to the other two members of the task force. 

"As a quick and short explanation, there is a quarry over at RIM Billington that has been abandoned for a while now. It seems like it's abandonment made the thing attract a bunch of Originum anomalies such as slugs and the like, however the locals told us that there has been some gang activity there as well so you might be fighting two fronts at once, keep that in mind." Finished off Ama, looking over at Kal'tist now. "That should be everything in a nutshell I think."

After the explanation given to them by the doctor, the woman beside her stepped forward. "As for this mission, I will be assigned as your medical support." She said with her usual calm tone with her hands holding the cane in front of her. "Codename Moonlight, one of the many medical personnel aboard Rhodes Island." 

 After her introduction, Moonlight changed her gaze to the doctor. "I don't see why you sent me, doctor." She then leaned in close to the doctor's ear and whispered with a small smirk. "Is this your way of getting your revenge after I spread information about your three sizes?" Moonlight then backed off after saying those words before the doctor can try anything and returned to her usual calm expression.

'Ahem. Back to the matter at hand, the gang leader that we're after is known as Dots.' Juggernaut taps the screen, and it lights up with a picture of a duck with two .357's on his waist and wearing a dark suit with a fedora. 'Dots is known for illegal ventures into Laterano and acquiring firearms.'

"Yeah... That, your objective would be to clear the quarry and close it for the locals, Dots would be a secondary objective we've got, make sure to catch him if you have the opportunity or at least make him regret settling there so he doesn't return." Doctor Ama said, giving a side look to the medic of the task force, rolling her eyes before giving a look back at Juggernaut. "Apart from that the medical department wants you to take some samples of the area as well, it would help a lot."

"It would be a good idea to bring back the guns Dots had stolen too so we can possibly gain us the favor of Laterano Hall." Moonlight added. "And of course anything else we will find."

'Then it's decided.' Juggernaut says, picking up their hammer and shield. 'I will take my team, Sera, and Moonlight out and... 'deal' with Dots. Permanently.'

"Very well then. The vehicle is awaiting for you in the bay there are some supplies already loaded as well so don't hold back." Replied the Doc and looked over at Moonlight before adding something. "And be sure to protect your medic, we wouldn't want slug acid all over her clothes and causing a commotion would we."

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