17. Showdown

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Sera crashes into Dots, and the two go for a tumble as Sera slams into him.

And with a squawk, they fall into a valley.

"And down they go. Blitzkrieg, get the drones and the payload ready." Hardwire says, peering over as the two tumble down. "I have a feeling we're going to need to make a bang, if you know what I'm saying."

"That goddamn medic!" 

As Sera rolled down the hill into the canyon, she used the opportunity to mark free hits into Dots, trying every time with force as they tumbled down without control to get the duck away and disarm him, which she managed to knock off one of his pistols. The gun was quickly lost and buried in the descent before they finally hit the hard rocky ground below, away from the sun's touch. 

"Ah fuck..." 


"You ain't going anywhere-"

And that's when Sera realized she lost her rapier. Looking back from where they came, the cloud of dust slowly settled but still didn't leave allow her to see where her weapon ended up. 


"HAH! Lost your weapon?!" 

At that instant Dots used his remaining pistol and fired a few rounds at Sera, who was able to run and drop into the cloud of dust to at least disappear from his view. 


Minutes later after their objective ran away, the dirty mist settled. Sera now having found her Rapier, sat down by a rock not far away and checked on the stray bullet that hit her in the side of the chest. 

"... At least it didn't burst..." The Liberi now sighed and simply used one of her mechanites packs to seal the wound for her while using the radio to inform the rest. "Everyone up there, Dots ran away, I'm fine just received some minor scratches, I will try to regroup in just a moment." 

What the Liberi didn't know however is while she talked the wildlife that resided inside the canyon already smelled the blood and were eyeing new pray.

- - - - -

Moonlight watched Sera slammed against the Liberi, sending them down rolling. The medic sweat dropped, a nervous chuckle left her mouth. "Hehe... I may have thrown her a bit hard." Shaking her head, Moonlight dismissed those thoughts.

Moonlight, back to the being focused on the task at hand, picked up speed, heading towards the canyon up ahead. She ran until she reached the hill and without thinking, jumped off the cliff. She spun in the air, falling down while upside down. As Moonlight kept falling, the scent of blood entered her sensitive nose. She landed on the bottom of the canon, dust picking upon on her landing.

Moonlight's comms buzzed to life. "Everyone up there, Dots ran away. I'm fine, just received some minor scratches. I will try to regroup in just a moment." 

Moonlight knew what her next objective is as her eyes stared at the gathering wildlife around the small droplets of blood.

Above the whole scene, Blitzkrieg grins as his drones begin to float in the air.

"I love the smell of roasted originum enemies in the morning." He says with a grin.

He plants his feet near the edge of the canyon and calls down to Moonlight and Sera.

"Hey girls, you might wanna start running before the fire hits." He shouts down with a grin.

"Don't question it, just start running!" Hardwire shouts.

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