11. How Two Catastrophes Met, Part 2

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"You... you took out all my buddies?" The bounty hunter says, trembling at the figure before them. "S-Stay away from me! I'm begging you! I, I'll give you all my coins! My weapons! Anything-"

Juggernaut grabs them man by the throat, lifting him up before slamming him into the ground and knocking them out cold.

'Damn bounty hunters can kiss my metal plated ass.' Juggernaut signs to the air before pulling out a phone and turning it on.

//Communications online.

Boss: Hardwire. Has Anya responded on her status yet?

PartyPony: Not yet Boss.

Boss: Change your name back.

Hardwire: Fine. Ur no fun. ;-;

Boss: Get me that Rhodes Island file of Skadi ASAP. Juggernaut out.

//Communications closed.

Juggernaut puts the phone away before heading in the direction of Coral's tracking beacon.

'Let's hope Coral took the right ammunition this time.'

With Grani and the others...

"You sense them too, big guy?" Coral asks Big Bob, putting her sniper in the drag bag. He nods, and turns to the other two.

"Stay close to me, you two. Watch your step, and walk along my footprints. Don't go around touching stuff either." He says. "I'm afraid this forest is even more dangerous than we expected."

Grani looks around, spotting a rock with markings on it.

"Is something carved on that rock?" She asks. Coral crouches down, looking at it before nodding and standing up.

"Marks made by bounty hunters. We gotta take heed of these unless you wanna go kaboom and turn into red paint." She says.

"So... how are we going to avoid them?" Grani asks.

"Just watch me." Big Bob says.

"I'll go a different way and cover you guys." Coral says. She tosses a radio to Grani and disappearing into the forest.

Big Bob steps forward, and dismantles a rope trap.

"Here's a rolling log trap, hidden by the foliage. Would've tripped it if we rushed forward." He says, stepping past it.

Suddenly, Coral's voice barks out from the radio.

"Miss Carol, don't take another step in that direction. There's a spiked pitfall about ten feet deep right in front of you." Coral says, a red laser coming from the treeline and indicating where the pitfall is.

"You two are the real deal. You're pretty good at this." Grani says.

"There's a landmine beside your left foot Grani."

Grani quickly takes a step away from where the laser is now pointing, revealing a landmine that Big Bob quickly disarms.

"Of course. After all, I used to... Nevermind. It's not realistic to go around all of them. Thanks for the assist Coral." Big Bob says. "The most path for them will soon become the safest for us."

"He means the more things that can kill you, the less bounty hunters we'll have to deal with."

"Let's go."

After some time, Big Bob suddenly stops.

"Wait. Something's not right here." He says.

"Is it a trap?" Grani asks.

"No. It's a symbol drawn in blood." Coral says, her laser pointer aiming at a rock.

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