2. The Defender's Duties

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Upon Juggernaut's arrival, they were immediately ushered into Kal'Tsit's office, where she sat waiting. After closing the door, Kal'Tsit looked up from her paperwork.

"Sit down." She says. Juggernaut simply stands there, giving her a look. "Ah. Sorry about that. You know what I called you here for though."

Juggernaut nods, and begins using sign language. 'Amiya and the Doctor. So you want me to protect both now? '

"Only when they are outside of the Ark. Your duty to protect Amiya stays the same though."

'Protect her life, no matter the cost.' Juggernaut signs. 'When is the next operation? '

"In a day or so." Kal'Tsit replies, lifting Juggernaut's arm to inspect the damage. "We've made a deal with Lungmen. You know the drill."

'Reunion mixed with the survivors? ' Juggernaut signs. 'You know how I feel about Wei and his people.'

"I understand. But I don't fully trust Wei as well, which is the reason I'm assigning you to protect the Doctor as well." Kal'Tsit replies, checking the rest of their gear before writing it down on a sheet.

'Wei is a snake with no teeth, but does he need them when he uses that silver tongue?'

"That's your opinion Juggernaut. Anyways, there's some heavy lifting that I need you to do in the dorms."

'Understood. I will talk with you later.'

Juggernaut exits Kal'Tsit's office and heads for the dorms. After a few minutes of walking, they get to the dorm, finding a massive box, and a struggling Noir Corne.

"Ah... Hey Juggernaut..." Noir wheezes. Juggernaut promptly picks the box up with ease, putting it down in the dorm.

"So how did the mission go?" Noir asks. Juggernaut flips a thumbs up before picking up the rest of the boxes. "Cool. The ammunition came in a few hours ago if you're looking to help."

Juggernaut nods, walking away from the dorms. It's usual for them to be tossed around the Ark, picking up and delivering the heavy packages.

(Timeskip because im tired)

Juggernaut finishes up the last delivery of blood samples to the medbay before feeling a tap on their shoulder. Turning around to face Skadi.

 Turning around to face Skadi

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(Not mine. Got from gamepress.)

"Train with me." Skadi says. Train, as in Skadi uses Juggernaut as an all-out punching bag for a single minute.
Juggernaut nods, following Skadi to the training centre which is empty.

"I will not go easy on you." Skadi says, readying her sword.

'I expect nothing less, my friend.' Juggernaut signs.

Both ready their respective weapons, and then Skadi rushes at Juggernaut.

57 seconds.

Skadi begins slashing her sword at Juggernaut, leaving slight scratches on their armor, before swinging the sword in a downward slash. Juggernaut catches the blades with two hands, shoving her away.

45 seconds.

Juggernaut blocks a strike to the chest with their arm, before grabbing into Skadi's arm and throwing her back.

32 seconds.

Skadi rushes in, striking them one after another, keeping Juggernaut on the defensive. Skadi begins pushing the offensive as mush as she can, trying anything to knock down the titan that stands before her.

18 seconds.

The ringing of metal on metal gets faster as the two counter each other.

12 seconds.

An unmovable object. An unstoppable force. the two are different, yet equal.

6 seconds.

Skadi finally breaks Juggernaut's guard, rushing in for the final strike.

3 seconds.

Skadi leaps forward, bringing the blade down at Juggernaut.

2 seconds.

The strike collides with a painful screech of metal.

1 second.


Skadi lets out a heavy breath.

"Impressive Juggernaut." She pants. "But I-" She's cut off by what she sees. Juggernaut's helmet torn apart in front of her. And the sight before her widen's her very eyes.

(HAH. Two parts in one day. These are short because I really don't have the patience to make one big story. Thanks for reading. :P )

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