Side Story 2: A Day out with The Defender

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Juggernaut sits at a cafe while sipping from a coffee as they wait patiently for the Doctor to arrive, watching children chase each other around, giggling and laughing as they play around.

Suddenly, a voice calls out to them.

"Hey Jugg, sorry for the wait. I had to deliver some extra paperwork before getting here." The Cautus approached the Ægir, conveniently the doctor Juggernaut was waiting for. "Should we go now?" She asked, adjusting a bit her black jacket which she flaunted along a long dark crimson skirt and button down shirt, giving her a rural like look yet slightly modern.

'Are you sure you don't want a drink? ' Juggernaut signs, gesturing to the tea that was sitting on the table in front of them.

"Well I guess we got time today, I usually rush things." As she said this her eyes diverted towards the cup that glistened with the steaming tea. Sitting down, she adjusted her skirt and took the cup of tea."Thank you. Have I made you wait for long?"

'Do not worry about me. Was it a trouble to get here? ' Juggernaut signs, taking a sip before setting the cup down again. Their eyes wandered around, seeming to be unanchored even though talking to a person.

"Well it wasn't really troublesome, but I did have to shoo off Hardwire before I left my paperwork." She answered doing the same and taking a sip from her tea and looking towards what he was looking right now.

'She's always been the protective type. Childish, yet defiant. I've always enjoyed that part of her. So how has Kazimierz treated you so far? '

"Oh well, so far so good, I have talked with Miss Nearl to get myself a bit informed, everything is really different from Rim Billtion's deserts, although I reckon it's a bit hard to move around freely for you." She added, giving a look towards him, raising her head slightly to catch a glimpse of his eyes.

'I may be tall, but being out of armor is still a strange experience for me. Kal'Tsit has recommended it more, though I still find it... awkward.' Juggernaut signs, before standing up. 'I already paid the bill. Now that you are here, there is a place I would like to show you.'

"Oh yeah, sure." As she said this she gulped down the rest of the tea and got up, following behind Juggernaut, catching up quickly and walking by his side.

'As much as I would say I prefer to stay inside my study, walking these streets had always been comforting. Ah, right. The sweet shop. Come with me.'

As the Cautus let out those words she looked towards the shop door that they directed themselves towards, catching small details of the building as they finally reached the ash wooden door.

Juggernaut pushes to door open, and Ama enters to find walls lined with different sweets, chocolates, and much more with a blonde haired Savra behind the desk.

'Hello Ryelin.' Juggernauts signs, and the Savra gives him a lazy smile.

Ama gave the blonde woman a wave with her hand as a hello before losing herself in the shop, now looking around curiously, analyzing the shop's many shelves lined up with all sorts of traditional Kazimirez candy and commercial ones as well.

"Got a girlfriend... huh Na'tik~" Ryelin says, her eyes shining playfully even if her expression was one of sleepiness.

The bunny girl heard this, her two brown and black ears twitching slightly upon the words echo getting to her brain. 

"If he didn't have several stalkers behind him I wouldn't mind." She replied taking a handmade chocolate bunny from one of the shelves and inspecting it.

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