10. How Two Catastrophes Met, Part 1

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Two weeks after the events of Skullshatterer and Misha's death...

"Juggernaut. Juggernaut. Juggernaut." Skadi says, shaking the behemoth as they sit up.

'Hmm.... What is it? ' Juggernaut signs.

"Grani's here. She-"

Juggernaut sits up, quickly putting all their gear on before rushing outside to the recruitment center to see Grani turning around.

"Juggernaut!" Grani shouts, bear hugging them as they pat her on the head. "When did you get here?"

'I've been here for awhile Grani.' Juggernaut signs, causing Grani to pout.

"Don't use that for me!" Grani says, indicating 'short horse' as Juggernaut's sign for her.

'Then how about I make one? ' Juggernaut makes a horse with one hand, and a spear point in the other.

"I like it!" Grani says, grinning.

"So, mind explaining how you know Grani?" Doctor Ama asks.

'Well, I met her and Skadi in Kazimierz.' Juggernaut signs as Skadi walks in. 'Kal'Tsit deployed me to assist subtly until Grani was in imminent danger.'

"...Fine." Skadi says, sitting down.

"Short story, Juggernaut signalled for us to run, I met Skadi, and Juggernaut saved me from when she attacked." Grani says.

'You mean I threw a rock at you to get your attention, and that I sent Coral who failed to be subtle in every fashion. And have you been drinking any coffee or soda? You aren't being very clear. '

. . .

Location: Dewville

"Stop that damn thing!" A mercenary shouts.

"Stop that monster? Look at how many people she's taken out!"

"Why not? You're always going on about how strong you are!"

"I-I can't! Look at it, she's a walking Catastrophe!"

Skadi stands there, speaking in Ægirian.

"All that standeth before me shall perish. All that beareth arms against me shall turn to dust. All that craveth death, step forth."

Grani and Carol crouch back down.

"That person..." Grani mutters.

"Do you know that person?" 

"She might be my coworker..."

Suddenly, a rock flies in through the window with a note strapped to it with string. Grani picks it up and reads it.

" 'Get moving. This is your chance.' Huh. Maybe there are other operators coming..." Grani mutters. "Whoever threw this to us is right though. Let's go."

Grani opens the door, and it slams into someone's face.

With Juggernaut...

Juggernaut walks into the forest, watching as Big Bob readies a flashbang.

"Cover your ears, you two!" He shouts.

The bounty hunters cry out in pain as the flashbang goes off, blinding them.

"That sounded like... explosives!?" Grani says.

"Just a flashbang. Loud, but not going to kill anyone! Pretty good for scaring away bugs and other critters though!" Big Bob says. "Let's get out of here while they're still reeling! We need to find someplace safe first!"

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