Side Story 1: The Caretaker

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Ch'en and Talulah were told that they would be having someone take care of them.

"Is it a guy?" "Is it a girl?" Is all that echoed until they made it to the front of the mansion. And they were met by a simple smile on the strong-looking person's face.

"This is your new caretaker." Wei said. "Meet Puri."

Ch'en and Talulah looked at the person infront of them before giggling.

"Puri?" They giggle.

"It's short for Purifier kiddos." Purifier says, picking the two up and putting them on their shoulder. "And how's it feel to be taller than your dad over there?"

The two children begin laughing as Wei sighs. Wei hasn't seen this face in a long time.

"Purifier will be with you until I return. I'll only be gone for a few hours, alright?" Wei says, looking at Ch'en and Talulah.

"Okay!" They said in unison. "Bye!"

As Wei leaves, the two children smile at each other, thinking they're going to be able to trick their new caretaker. But oh boy, are they wrong.

"Want to see something cool?" Purifier asks. They nod, and they put the two down, and begin to concentrate. Small explosions, like firecrackers, begin popping in Purifier's palm.

"Woah!" Talulah says, eyes basically shining.

"How did you do that?" Ch'en asks excitedly.

"It's a secret~" Purifier says. "Now, are you two hungry?"

The children nod, and rush towards the kitchen, causing Purifier to  let out a small chuckle.

"What I would give to entertain kids all the time." Purifier says, stretching. "It's a shame the Sarkaz came knocking."

Purifier walks into the kitchen, the two practically jumping in their seats as Purifier gets to work. The hiss of boiling water, the smell of broth melting backed up with the watering mouths of children with sparkling eyes as Purifier slides through the kitchen with ease.

"They used to call me Papa Purifier in the kitchen." Purifier says. "Only because it rhymed though."

"Pfft. Uh huh." Ch'en says.

"I like Mama Purifier better." Talulah snickers as two steaming hot bowls of chicken soup slide in front of them.

"Well then." Purifier whispers. "If you want to call me Mama Purifier... Then I'll call you Blue Bun and Dust Bun."

The two children smile at the names.

"I like it!" Talulah says.

"I guess..." Ch'en replies.

"Then it's settled. Now go on, eat up. The food isn't for show."

The two dive into the food, before finishing it in seconds.

"More please!"

"No, me!"

"Alright you two, there's no reason to fight. There's plenty for the both of you."

The two lower their heads, as if ready to be punished.

"Oi. I'm not mad at you. Why would I? Shows me how much you two love my cooking." Purifier says with a smile.

"Um... can I ask you a question?" Ch'en asks.

"Go ahead." 

"How long will you be here?"

"Well, I'll be here for today and then I have to go."

"Will you be back?" Talulah asks.

"Hehe~ Only if you two want me to come back."

"Y-Yeah!" Ch'en says. "You're so cool!"

Purifier smiles, refilling the bowls with more soup.

"Well then, your caretaker will never leave forever."

"Do you promise?" Talulah asks.

"Of course I do. I think I can convince Wei to let me come back."

"Yay!" The two cheer.

Some time later...

Wei opens the doors to find Talulah and Ch'en asleep on the couch.

"Well done Purifier." Wei says. "Do you want your payment now?"

"They want me to come back." Purifier says in a monotone voice. "And I'm willing to stay longer. The mercenaries are still looking in Ursus for me."

"Hm. Well, your pay won't be extended-"

"That's fine. I don't need your money anyways."

Wei stares at the individual in front of him with amusement.

"I will never understand you Purifier."

"Who said you needed to? That isn't your job to dig into people's past or motives."

"Indeed. You are welcome to come back then. But if the Sarkaz do come knocking here..."

"Then I'll make sure they won't be knocking anymore Wei. That's one thing I'd be happy to do."


Y'all are nuts

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Y'all are nuts. Thanks for 500 views and 25 votes <3
Side stories are just gonna be for fun, maybe a bit of backstory. Until next time :P

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