3. Rain on the Roof

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Red eyes stare at each other, unblinking. The similarities between the two were more akin when you can see their faces. The eyes. The hair. The small curve that makes it seem as if something is always wrong.

"J-Juggernaut..." Skadi whispers. "Your helmet."

Juggernaut blinks, patting their head a few times before noticing the heavy metal helmet is now torn apart in front of them. Slowly picking it up, Juggernaut grabs a towel and tosses it over their face, obscuring it.

'Skadi, can you help me to my room? ' Juggernaut signs. She nods, quickly grabbing their arm and leading them down the halls, getting looks from a few operators. Once guided to their room, the nod, closing the door and taking the towel off their head.

Juggernaut puts the torn metal helmet onto their workbench, and taking in the incense of sea water. They're soaking in the scent, the quietness of the room before beginning to dismantle their gear.

Piece by piece. Part by part. They will be restored once more.

After an hour or so of tinkering, and the helmet is replaced with a more sturdy one. Armor plates replaced. Kevlar restored. Like a machine, Juggernaut works almost machine-like, completing the task swiftly and efficiently.

Each movement, each stroke of the hammer is flawless from repeated execution. A knock on the door stops the cycle, as a muffled voice is heard through the door.

"Juggernaut, open up. It's Kal'Tsit." She says. "I heard about what happened to your helmet."

Juggernaut slides their gear back together, putting it on before opening the door.

"Ah. You fixed it." She says, entering the room. "Good. I want you to get some sleep, because you're going to Lungmen tomorrow."

'I do not need an alarm clock to remind of that place, and that I must return to it tomorrow. ' Juggernaut signs. ' I do however, have a surprise for you Kal'Tsit. '

(If you wanna know, Juggernaut uses cat and doctor for Kal'Tsit.)

Kal'Tsit looks at the workbench, and the busted helmet on it.

"You know I don't appreciate some of your surprises."

'I'll pretend I didn't hear that, but I've called in favour from Emperor and his people.'


'A discount. Emperor said he'd give Texas and Exusiai for a discount.'

"And how did you manage that?"

At Penguin Logistics

"So boss, what'd you make a deal with the big guy for?" Exusiai asks.

"Said they'd do something about those Sicillians messing with us." Emperor says. "Something along the lines of napalm?"

Back with Juggernaut

"I see..." Kal'Tsit says. "We'll take it. I'll leave you to do your thing."

Kal'Tsit leaves, and Juggernaut hesitates before grabbing an umbrella and heading to the top of the Ark, finding Kal'Tsit standing in the rain. Juggernaut walks over, opening the umbrella and holding it over her.

"I thought you were repairing your gear." Kal'Tsit says. Juggernaut remains silent, holding the umbrella above her as the rain trickles down the side of Juggernaut's helmet. She sighs, and looks up at the bundle of steel beside her.

"I will never understand your motives." She mutters.

'It's to make sure everyone... no, everything, has a shield to stand behind. Even you Kal'Tsit. Even you.' Juggernaut signs. 'I will never judge you Kal'Tsit. No matter what you do.'

Kal'Tsit leans her head against Juggernaut, and cries softly. She only whispers two words, and those satisfy Juggernaut more than anything else they've done here so far.

"Thank you."

(WOOT WOOT! Got this part done and it's time to send our defender to Lungmen. I also got a question for y'all.)

Do we wanna give Juggernaut some Explosive Arts or Fire arts?

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