6. When The World Comes Calling

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'Something... doesn't feel right.' Juggernaut signs. 'This was far too easy.'

"What do you mean?" Amiya asks. The mere fact the Juggernaut is uneasy makes her nervous.

'Think. Reunion suddenly just... stopped.' Juggernauts signs, looking around. 'When we gave Misha to the LGD, Reunion hadn't noticed whatsoever.'

"So you're thinking..."

'They know. And they most likely have Misha in their grasp right now.'

"Damn. Can we get in contact with Ch'en?" Doctor Ama asks.

'I doubt it. They most likely have signal jammers set up. This was all planned from the start.'

"...You're kidding."

'I don't joke about someone's life Doctor. Misha is in imminent danger.'

"What do we do Juggernaut?"

'I have a plan. But it will only work if you trust me.'

"I do. Now explain."

'Have you ever heard of napalm? '

With the LGD escort team

"Damn it." Ch'en says as she slashes at another Reunion soldier. "We can't get in contact with Rhodes Island or HQ."

"What do we do?" Hoshiguma asks as she slams a caster in the chest.

"I don't know..."

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Ch'en... do you hear that?" Hoshiguma says.


Smoke flood from the grass, swirling around both sides feet, curling up their legs. The smoke billows from the trees, seeming to rise higher and higher.

"Pests. Rodents. Filth on this planet." A voice echoes from the mist. "Each of you will burn by my creations hand."

Both sides freeze as the treeline seems to burst with flames... with a massive figure burning alight with flames walking towards them.

"This, is my creation that will purge you from the earth you stand on. This is Purifier. The last thing you will ever see."

The figure pulls out a heavy canister and hurls it at the Reunion forces. The canister explodes, sending waves of fire over Reunion soldiers.





The Reunion forces flee from this hulking figure approaching them, unaffected by the flames covering them.

Ch'en doesn't move. She just watches as the figure stares at the fleeing forces before turning to them.

'Sorry for the wait.' Juggernaut signs as the fires are put out. 'I just needed some time to put the plan in action.'

"What was-"

"Special napalm. Juggernaut's specialty." Amiya says, walking over. "Highly flammable, but it can be put out easily."

"And the voice?" Hoshiguma asks.

'Modified megaphone.' Juggernaut signs. 'I had Liskarm use her Arts to power a speaker and the planted them on each side of the treeline.'

"And your Tactical Acumen is only Excellent." Doctor Ama says, shaking her head.

'It was a simple strategy. Make your force bigger than it seems, as if the world was coming down on the enemy. Fear is quite the tool if you know all it's tricks.'

Hoshiguma looks at Juggernaut, who stands roughly a foot taller than her.

"Nice to meet you Juggernaut. I've heard about you." She says, reaching a hand out.

'The same to you, Inspector Hoshiguma.' Juggernaut signs. '...Where is Misha?'

No response. Just silence.

'Where. Is. Misha?'

"They took her." Ch'en replies.

'Where did they take her? '

"An old abandoned mineshaft."

'Amiya. Take your team and prepare an assault. Texas, Exusiai. Go and draw their attention so we can prepare.'

"Understood." Texas says, and the two rush off.

"Where are you going?" Doctor Ama asks, grabbing onto Juggernaut's arm.

Juggernaut turns, a burning light faintly noticeable through the black visor.

'I'm going to fulfil a promise to Misha.'

(Time to watch an angry Juggernaut go boom. Thanku for 30 votes <3)

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