Chapter 22: Day III, Waking Up

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Tiana's POV

    Yesterday was harder than the day before. All I could do was cry, sleep, and wake up and wash my face, try to keep Jay as clean as I could and then cry some more. I hate feeling so helpless and useless. There's nothing I can do but wait and hope for the best.

    I haven't even bothered trying to eat, because I couldn't bear the thought of him waking up alone or without me by his side. I would watch as the nurses would come in, check his vitals, refill his IV bag and change his breathing tube.

    Granny, Viv, and Tyrell have called to check on us. Granny prayed and Viv offered to fly out here to help out with Aiden, but I told her that I was okay. My cousin Shay offered the same, and I gave her the same answer. It's only been two and half days and I don't want everyone making a big fuss, because I know Jay wouldn't like it.

    Currently, I'm sitting in a chair, holding Jay's hand, staring at him. Thanks to the stuff they put in his IV bag, he doesn't look as sick as he looked on the first day he was in here, but he still has some paleness to him. I sighed heavily as I rubbed circles into his hand with my thumb comfortably. I know that he probably can't feel it, but still.

    I was broken from my thoughts by the doctor and a CNA holding a bucket walked into the room. "Hello there Ms. Williams." Doc greets me with a polite smile.

    Hey Doc." I nod at him, not really taking my eyes off of Jason.

    "I'M just here to check on Jason,s vitals, and Kelly here is just going to give him a sponge bath." He informs casually.

    The sponge bath peaked my interest. "Um, if it's okay with you Doc, I'd rather be the one to give Jason a sponge bath." I say as politely as possible. "No offense Kelly."

    "I'm fine as long as the doctor is okay with it." Kelly smiles back at me.

    "That's fine Ms. Williams, just let me finish up"

    "Of course."

    It takes him only a few more minutes to finish up what he's doing. "Okay, everything looks okay for right now." He says, removing his gloves and washing his hands. "Clean his womb well, but still be gentle with it okay?"

    "Understood." I tell him as I stand and Kelly walks ober to give me the tub that she was holding. "Thank you."

    "Just press the call button if you need anything." Kelly instructs as she follows Doc out the door.

    Once they're out the door, I go about filling the tub with hot water, squirting in some of Jason's favorite body wash that his mother packed for him. When I was done with that, I put the tub on his table, and carefully went about removing his gown. I looked at his wound and almost broke down again, but I choked it down. I can't keep crying because it's not going to change anything.

    "Okay bae, let's get you cleaned up." I mumbled to him, and began to rub him down with the warm soapy sponge. "Don't want you to stink when you wake up."

    I start on his right side, wiping down his neck and underneath his arm, before dipping the sponge back into the water and going to his chest. Like the dic said, I cleaned his wound well, but I made sure to be as gentle as possible. After cleaning  his chest, I go to his torso. I was humming to myself, when I got to his "v" and I heard a raspy familiar voice.

    "Go lower baby"

    I gasp and got so spooked that I almost knocked the tub of water to the ground. I look up to see Jay, giving me a sleepy smile, his eyes only half opened. "J-jay?" I stammer out.

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