Chapter 4: Month III- Part II

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Tiana's POV

    Things have gotten slightly better. Jason was at least talking to me again. He would kiss me in the morning before I left for work and he started coming to dinner every night. And though he would kiss me goodnight, I know he's not coming to bed at night. I know for a fact that he's working through the night and I'm really worried about him. I asked to take break one night and he just brushed me off saying he'll slow down before the wedding.

    I'm slowly growing frustrated with Jason, I thought that after his birthday last week things would improve but they haven't really. I mean a few kisses and some I love you text isn't our issue, The issue is that we haven't had proper alone time since the event. And there's the fact that me and Jason aren't communicating at all.

    It's bugging me and I'm starting to feel a certain type of way and I also have a million questions. Like why has Jason been ignoring me. Is he seeing someone else?

   'Girl Jason ain't crazy.' The voice in my head tells me.

    And this true. Jason is all of things but a cheater he is not. Plus he knows I will burn this house down to the ground with him in it.

   'Maybe I'm the crazy one'

    "A lot on your mind?" Carson's voice breaks through my rapid thoughts.

    "Oh yeah a little." I laugh, as he takes the seat across from me, placing my iced coffee amd banana nut muffin in front of me. "Thanks" I mumble.

    "You know I'm starting to think you're a psychopath T." He teases me.

    "What would make you think that," I inquire, taking a sip from my coffee.

    "Only psychopaths drink black coffee." H e makes fun.

    "I put sugar in it." I defend.

    "So you're a psychopath with a sweet tooth." He laughs. "Although I'm surprised you don't like cream. I thought you were down with the swirl."

"Fuck you." I snap playfully, throwing a piece of muffin at his head.

"Hey I was just playing with yo ass." He defends chuckling. "But, seriously, what was wrong, you're very quiet."

"Sorry just a lot going on with the wedding and plus Aiden's birthday is coming up and I'm trying to talk my mother-in-law from throwing some big blow out." I laugh.

"I mean why not?" He shrugs. "It's her first grandchild, and it's by the oldest. She's gonna wanna spoil him."

"I know and I don't want that. I don't want our environment to change him. I want him to well grounded in reality." I explain.

"You still not used to money are you?" He accuses me with a chuckle.

"I guess not." I laugh bashfully. "I just don't get why a six year old needs some big blow out party, when we can throw him a party at a bowling alley with pizza and he'll be just as happy."

"I can understand that." He agrees. "He's a kid and they don't really care about that kinda stuff. But, is that really what your upset about?"

I sigh deeply knowing exactly what he's talking about, even if he doesn't know what he means. He's just assuming there's something more than the birthday party and he's right.

Ever since Jason moved me and Aiden to New York, I've noticed little things when it comes to his family. They tend to over step boundaries when it comes to Aiden. I know that it's because he's the next in line to take over after Jason, but at the same time he's only five and I'm still his mother.

For example, when we first got here Niccolo immediately started talking about Aiden's training. I told him no and he tried to argue with me that he needs to be caught up because usually the heir is subtlety trained as they grow up and Aiden has missed out some of that. I still shut it down because a.) Aiden is only five years old and b.) me and Jason already agreed that all of Aiden's official training would start when he's thirteen so that he can enjoy his childhood. I of course with the help of Jason got him to back off but then came the next problem.

The birthday party. The first problem I had was that Ms. Gina and Isabella started planning it without even talking to me about it. I mean I know they missed out on five birthdays, but I'm still his mother and I should've been included on that. They didn't even ask if I was gonna plan something. The second thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the how extravagant it was. Ms. Gina wants to throw this whole big blow out with circus performers and a petting zoo along with several clowns. Two things about that, a.) the fucking clowns, and b.) That's not even what Aiden wants to do. He wants to have a superhero party at the bowling alley. Which is what he's getting.

"It just feels like my in-laws tend to ignore my authority over my child." I complain. "Like if I correct him or say he can't have something, they go over my head and let him do or have it any way. It makes it seem like he doesn't have to listen to me."

"Have you talked to them about it?" Carson asks me with an empathetic look.

"Ugh, I've tried to and I've tried to be respectful when I say something but they don't listen, and of course Jason's not even there to back me up half the time so I'm usually fighting that war by myself." I explain.

"Well what about your wedding?" He asks changing the subject. "I mean it is your day."

"I don't really have a choice on that one either." I roll my eyes with a feeling of dread on how much my wedding is going to cost. "I'm marrying into one the most influential families of New York, and that family just so happens to be huge, along with my big ass family, so I don't really have a choice for it to be anything but."

"Most women would kill to have an unlimited budget for their dream wedding. You may the first I've met that complains about a big wedding." He teases me.

"I mean does any of that shit really mean anything?" I question. "I think that people put to much on the wedding and not enough on the marriage. And then you've damn near gone broke trying to impress people for one day, and ain't none of them people gonna feed the kids you'll create when you in debt because you just wanted to be like Kim Kardashian."

"I mean you gotta point, but you're not one of those people who's gonna go broke from a wedding." He points out. "So you might as well enjoy it."

"I guess you've gotta point." I sigh. "I've just never really wanted a big wedding. My dream wedding would be small, on a beach with Aiden and out close family and friends."

"That sounds nice actually." He says tenderly, placing his hand on top of mine.

"To bad it won't be happening." I grumble. "But as long as Jason's at the end of the aisle, I guess I can't really complain."

"I would hope so that's true Bambina."


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