Chapter 23: Too Little, Too Late

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Jason's POV

As of right now, I'm 6'3, and 230lbs of 2% body fat. Hearing Tiana tear me a new one, made me feel an inch tall. And I deserve every bit of it. She was right, I am pathetic. I couldn't even muster up a good apology, because I'm sure she's tired of hearing sorry. I couldn't even say anything to make the situation even slightly better. Because there's no excuse for the things I've done, nor the thing I almost did.

I was gonna hit her. I've already crossed so many lines, and this was the one that finally broke the camels back. I wouldn't be shocked if she decided to pick up Aiden and go back home to Georgia. I would deserve that.

The only thing that stopped her justified rant, was my mother walking through the door. She completely bypassed the tension in the room, and cake right at me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly. "Oh my baby!" Her cries fill the room. "I was so scared for you."

"I'm okay Ma." I assure her, squeezing her back as I can.

"I know, I know," she sniffles, pulling away and wiping her tears with the back of her hand. I in all honesty have never seen my mother so dishevled. She had a sweatshirt, and sneakers (two things that  I didn't even think she would own), a pair of jeans and her hair was up in a bun. And she was wearing sneakers. The last time I seen my mother dress even remotely casual was at Damien's soccer games when he was 10.

"I know you're tough, but you can't scare me like that." She continues to cry.

"I'm sorry Ma." I mumble, still not feeling all the way there.

"It's okay Baby." She smiles tearfully, bending down to hug me again and whispered in my ear, "I don't what happened before I walked into this room, but you better fix it."

Even though she was whispering, her tone was terrifying. I gave me flashbacks to when me and Damien would break shit around the house and she would scold us, before hitting us with a wooden spoon.

"Yes ma'am" I gulp in fear.

"Good boy." She smiles, patting my face and kissing both my cheeks before pulling away from me again.

"Wheres Aiden?" She asks.

"Damiens bringing him." Tiana answers, speaking up for the first time since my mother burst into the room.

"Did the doctor say when you'd be able to go home.

"In the next day or two." Tiana answers once more.

"Oh that's wonderful." My mother gushes with a bright smile, "Now you two can discuss some things."

'My mother really has a big mouth.' I think to myself.

"Ma!" I scolded her.

"What?!" she squeaks, "Oh I'm sorry."

I give her a look and I was about to say something, when my door opened up again. As soon as the door was opened enough, Aiden came in, barreling towards me with his arms opened,

"Dad!" He beams, before jumping up into my bed and into my arms.

It hurt like a bitch, but I dealt with the pain and held my son close to me.

"I missed you Dad." He confesses, hugging me tight.

"I missed you too Buddy."

"Are you alright now?' He ask me.

"Almost, still got some healing to do." I answer his question.

"Are you gonna come home tonight?"

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