Chapter 25: You Should Call

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Third Person's POV

5 Months Later

Jason sat at his desk hard at work, preparing for a meeting he had in an hour. It's been about 6 months since he and Tiana separated, and he can honestly say that he's been doing better. The first month was rough, but after Steve and Isabella came to his apartment that day, he decided that they were right. He stopped drinking and went to a therapist to work on his anger issues. He can now say with confidence that he feels a lot better about himself, and he feels a lot lighter now that he doesn't have so much shit on his back anymore.

However, he still hasn't talked to Tiana in all that time. The only time he hears from her is when she sends a text about Aiden. It's offseason for his football team so they don't have to see each other at games, and his school hasn't had any sort of events that would require them to be there at the same time. It's not like he didn't want to call her, but every time he went to pick up the phone, he'd chicken out.

"If she wanted you back, she'd say so." The little voice in the back of his would tell him, and he agreed.

Jason didn't want her to feel pressured, or that he was trying to manipulate her into getting back with him. He wanted everything to be on his time last year, and it went horrible. So he decided that he would let her come to him. He held out hope for the first couple of months, but as the days pass, that hope faded. This "break" was starting to look like an actual break, and Jason was becoming more and more accepting of that. He messed up and he couldn't get mad if Tiana didn't want to be with him anymore.

However, his dad and grandfather were starting to get antsy. His dad is ready to retire and live his life now that all his kids are grown, and his grandfather just wants to see his favorite grandkid get married before he dies. Plus there was the fact that he needs to be married for him to take over, and if it isn't Tiana then they need to find him a new bride some time soon.

That's why Niccolo decided to visit his son. The older man walked straight past Natasha, who doesn't even bother to stop, and into his eldest son's office. This is where you could find Jason anyway. He wasn't being a reclusive, self-loathing drunk anymore, but he was still being a workaholic.

Jason looked up to his father walking into his office unannounced and rolled his eyes. He pressed a little button on his desk phone. "Natasha what did I tell you about just letting my father in here?"

"What would be the point of me trying to stop him, sir?" Natasha questions her boss in a bored tone.

Jason grumbled in annoyance, knowing she was as right. When she first started working as his assistant, she did try really to stop Niccolo to stop coming into Jason's office as he pleased, but she soon learned that he's someone that won't take no for an answer.

'Like father, like son I guess' she started thinking to herself after a while.

"What do you want dad?" Jason deadpans, not even bothering to look up from his computer screen. "Did mom send you over here to scold me for not sleeping again?"

"You know, you could look up and greet me." Niccolo rolls his eyes. "I really don't know where you got this attitude from."

"Go look in the mirror." Jason claps back, still not liking up from his work.

"Touché." His father snorts.

"So did you come here for a specific reason, or did you just miss me or something."

"One of these days, I'm gonna slap you," Niccolo warns.

"If it'll make you feel better." His son shrugs, making the man feel old. Jason used to fear his father more than anything, but now he could care less about the old man's threats. If he was gonna do it, he wouldn't have said anything and just did it.

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