Chapter 7: Flashback II

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Tiana's POV


I think I might be in love. I know I'm only 15 and a freshman in high school, but I can feel it. Something is very special about what me and Jason share.

We've been inseparable for the past three months. He's started driving me and Bryson around. Meaning he takes us to school, home, work and all of Bryson's sports stuff, plus extra places if we need it. He's started helping me out with Bryson and hanging out at the house all the time. He's basically intergrated himself into our lives and I couldn't be happier.

He takes me out on dates once a week. They're not expensive dates, mainly because I've told Jason that I refuse to let him take me to one of those fancy five star restaurants. He argues with me about it, but I never back down.

Today is another one of our dates. He says he's doing something extra special for me today. What I don't know. All I know is he told me to be dressed and ready by 6:30 tonight. He should be here any minute.


"Bryson, get the door!" I yell down the stairs.

"Okay." He yells back, from the living room. I hear the door open, before hearing Bryson greet his new best friend. "Hey Jay!"

"Wassup little man." I hear Jay greet back as I begin to walk down the stairs.

When I finally walk into the living room I see Jason and Bryson hanging out on the floor and playing with Bryson's hotwheels. I actually spotted a few that I knew I didn't buy, which means Jay's bought him more. "Jay I thought we talked about you buying Bryson new toys everytime you come over here," I chastise him. "And you come over here just about everyday."

"I couldn't help it." He smiles at me bashfully.

Sometimes i think Jason just likes coming over so that he can be a big kid with Bryson. I think it's so cute how he'll roll around the floor and in the grass in his expensive clothes for hours playing with my little brother. I know Bryson really likes it. He's always complaining that he wants a brother because he needs someone who will play with all day long and is willing to roll in the nasty dirt play football, because he knows that I'm not doing none of that shit. A.) when I'm not working at the mall, I'm either doing homework or someone's hair to make extra money, so I don't have time. B.) I'm terrible at sports and I hate being dirty. Now if Bryson wants to watch a movie, play a board game, or he needs someone to help him with his homework, he knows I'm the girl for the job.

Plus Jay told me about his life back at New York. Even though he has to younger siblings, he was never really allowed to rough house with them. He's the oldest so when he's old enough he's expected to take over the family business so he always had to be super serious, training under his father. He never really got to be a kid, which is why I think he keeps buying Bryson toys. So he can come over and play with them too.

I think it's cute. Watching my boys play for hours at a time, until I've cooked or it's time for Jason to go home. Bryson's always sad to say goodbye, like Jay's not coming back the next day. He's actually been over here a lot because Granny's been out of town helping out with my G-ma in Florida. G-Ma is Granny's momma and we're pretty sure that she's at her last days, seeing as the women is a 97 years old and she's been in and out of the hospital lately. Granny's the oldest so she's the one that is expected to take care of everything for when that time comes.

So as a result I've been watching Bryson by myself for the past three months in the house by myself. I know people may think it's not such a good idea for Granny to leave a 15 year old in charge of a 9 year old in a house by herself, but let's face it. I've never been 15. Hell I've been an adult since I was 7 and my "mother" abandoned me in a house with Bryson when he was a baby and I was left to take care of him. So yeah, Granny trust me:

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