Chapter 14: The Driver and Jason's Big Mouth

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Third Person's POV

Tiana was having a restless sleep when she got a call at 2:15 in the morning. Without even checking the caller ID, she answered the phone knowing it was Jason.

"I'm home baby." His deep voice come through from the other line, making her feel more at ease.

"Good." She smiles, feeling tired and relieved at once. "You're okay right? No scratches or bruises se or gunshot wombs?"

"I'm in one piece, and not one hand was laid on me," Jason chuckles, walking into the house and up to his closet, taking off his clothes and putting on some sweatpants, before walking into his office.

"That's good." Tiana mumbles tiredly, pulling the covers closer to her body. "I'll see you in the morning?"

"6:30 on the dot." He assures his fiancé, taking out his laptop and booting it up, so he could get some business done. "Now go back to sleep Bambina."

"Okay, you too." She says. "I love you."

"I love you too Tiana." He smiles even though she can't see him. "I'll see you in the morning love."

"M'kay." She hums before hanging up the phone and rolling over onto her side and finally getting some peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile, Jason didn't go to sleep until 3:00am, before eventually waking up at 5:00 to be able to meat Stever at 5:45am. Jason was running on fumes and he has been for the past couple of months, but he needed to make sure that he had everything in order and taken care of before he and Tiana got married. He wanted to be able to take a long enough honeymoon to get her pregnant and then he wanted to come home and be able to enjoy said pregnancy. Even though he knows anything can happen at any moment with the life he lives, he still wanted to be able to control as much as he could so he could go on vacation in peace.

He knows that the pattern he's developed isn't sustainable for the long run, but he doesn't need it to be. He just needs to get through the next four and a half months and he'll go back to sleeping like the semi normal human being he was.

'Tiana and my mother are gonna be on my ass tomorrow.' He grumbles in his head.

Even the two are not seeing eye to eye right now, he knows that his mother and his fiancé will take any opportunity to unite together, so that they could nag him about "getting more sleep" and "taking better care of himself. And no matter how put together and cleaned up he would be, they had some sort of sixth sense about his well being. Just last week his mother looked at him for thirty seconds, before coming to the conclusion that he was tired. So she fed him some baked ziti before forcing him to go and take a nap.

Tiana always bugs him about sleeping, and taking a break. She says she wants him to stop "spreading himself thin" before he developed high blood pressure. At that he rolled his eyes, and told her that he was fine and he'll slow down after the wedding. Of course that doesn't do anything but annoy her, but it's not like she was going to change his mind, and Tiana knowing who her man is, she usually just sucks at her teeth, rolls her eyes and walks off in attitude.

At five in the dot, Jason was up, dressed and out the door on the way to Steve's house. He made it there at 5:30. He walked up the brownstone and knocked on the evergreen door. Opening the door revealed a tired looking Steve who was dressed in black suit pants and a white button down. His tie was loosely hanging around his neck, and his salt and pepper hair was all out of place.

"Good morning." Jason chirped at the older man, who clearly wasn't in the mood.

"Morning." Steve grumbles before inviting Jason in. "Do you want some coffee?"

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