Chapter 11: Fatherly Advice

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Jason's POV

    I haven't slept in a week.

    That's how long it's been since Tia left. She's in an Embassy Suites downtown. She doesn't know that I know that, but I know. After the event all those months ago, I refuse to take any chances when it comes to her and Aiden's safety. My men are surrounding the place and there's snippers ready to shoot just in case someone decides to loose their mind and try me. I've never been above putting someone in the hospital or the grave when it comes to my Bambina. Two assholes in high school learned that the hard way. I almost got expelled two times but the principle had a change of heart when uncle Tony bought the school new computers and paid for the sports teams to have a bus and new uniforms.

    Now I know what you're saying, if you know where she is, why don't you go and beg for her back. And I want to, trust me I do, however I'm trying to respect her space liked she asked me to. It's hard, but I'm trying.

    I just never thought it would get this far. I never thought it would get to the point of her leaving and going to a hotel. I know things were bad but I don't think they were that bad. But I was wrong and in hindsight, I should've seen this coming, and I should've made a change in my behavior when we were in Atlanta. However, I let my insecurities and fear control me. I was so scared of her leaving, that i kept her on a tight leash and I attempted to control her every move so that she wouldn't leave.

    'Great idea there Jason.' I think sarcastically to myself in a bitter tone.

    That idea blew up in my face spectacularly. Tia fucking left anyway. My girl is gone and I don't even know how to get her back. I've done so much damage in the past year, that I don't know if there's anyway for me to fix all that I've done. I've done nothing but make one mistake after the other and now I'm dealing with the consequences.

I was brought out of thoughts by my father walking into my office like he owned it. He sat down and crossed one leg over the other while I looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Because he has.

"Jason I don't care how old you are, you're not to old for me to slap you silly if you don't wipe that look off your face." He says, not even bothering to say hello.

'Well since we're skipping the small talk...'

"Dad I love you, but if you ever dare to go above me and Tiana's head again when it comes to Aiden, or any other children we may have, I'll shoot you in the knee." I state simply, glaring at him.

"That's fair I guess." He shrugs.

"It's more than fair." I snark. "You and mom are wrong on so many levels. You two need to start respecting Tiana as Aiden's mother. She and I have the final say and if you two go over our head again, I'll not be this calm. Mom should've never gotten Aiden that car. He doesn't even play with two he has already."

"I understand son." He says. "I apologize for overstepping and I'm sure your mother feels the same."

"And another thing, you need to tell mom to back off. This is  Tiana's day and what she wants, she gets, and if she doesn't want something then that's that." I was looking for some paperwork around the house when I found the wedding plans in Tiana's nightstand. None of it sounded like anything she would tell me about when we were teenagers, except the pastor. Hell, none of it sounded like anything that Tiana would choose period.

But it did sound like stuff my mother would pick. It was big, extravagant and expensive. Tia is very lowkey and frugal and there's no way she would ever think to have 200 doves released. And there's definitely no fucking way she would ever in a million fucking years invite the damn press.

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