Chapter 20: Flashback VI ptII

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Jason's POV

I woke with Tia's body on top of mine. She was snoring softly with her left side just sort of thrown on top of me loosely. She was so cute, with her mouth slightly parted. So cute, that I didn't want to move from under her, but I had too. I know she's going to be sore and hungry when she wakes up, so I maneuver my way from underneath her, careful not to wake her.

When I'm finally up, I throw on my boxers and go up to my en-suite in my room. I start a bath for her, making sure it's not to hot for her. I text one of my uncle's men and tell him to go get breakfast for us, because there's no point in my trying to cook, as I'm terrible at it. And I don't want Tia to cook, even though I know she'd do it willingly. When I go back downstairs, Tia's still sleep. I grab the swisher packet that contained two blunts, and the lighter that was on the other end of the mattress. My plan was to smoke and watch a movie, but Tia had other plans. Not that I minded.

I go upstairs and place the items on the bathroom counter and turn off the water, before going back downstairs to wake Tia up. I bend down to shake her gingerly, making her stir.

"Wake up Bambina." I whisper lowly.

"Mmm, no." She mumbles, and then turns so her backs facing me. "My cookie hurts" she pouts.

"But I have a bath to make you feel better." I persuade.

"I don't wanna move." She complains.

"I'll carry you." I offer, even though I was always going to do that.

"M'kay" she mutters, turning over with her ups, ready for me to pick her up.

I chuckle at her childness before bending down to pick her up bridal style. "Good morning Bambina." I chuckle.

"Morning Baby." She mumbles into my chest. "I'm hungry."

"Foods on the way." I inform her, kissing her forehead, finally making it up to the bathroom.

"You think of everything, don't you?" She giggles as I gently place her into the warm water.

"I'm just making sure you're taken care of Bambina." I respond, grabbing a wash rag to clean her with, placing it on the side of the tub, figuring she'd want to smoke first.

"Are you gonna get in with me?" She asks me shyly, a red tint coming from her cheeks.

"Are you really blushing right now?" I chuckle lightly. "You basically propositioned me last night and you're still shy?"

"I can't help it." She whispers, turning away bashfully.

I gingerly grab her chin and make her face me. "I think it's cute." I smile at her, earning a shy one in return.

"You didn't answer my question." She says, leaning into my hand, giving me puppy eyes.

"Nope." I pop on the "p" which this time earns me a disapppointed pout.

"But why?" She whines.

"Cause I'm taking care of you." I say, liting up the joint in my hand. I take a couple of hits and then pass it to her. She takes it, but she's still pouting.

"But I want you to get in with me." She says shyly.

"Well then I have no choice but to give you what you want." I smile, standing up and walking over to the tub, as she scoots forward for me to get in. I strip out of my short, and move to sit behind her, making myself comfortable as she moves back to lean against me. "Is that better love?"

"Yes." She says in a cheery tone.

'One of these days, giving her whatever she wants is going to bite me in the ass.' I think to myself, wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you." I say, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too." She smiles back, passing me the blunt. "So..."

"So..." I mock her playfully.

"Was last night good for you?" She ask, her blushing cheeks turning more read.

"What kind of question is that?" I chuckle lightly, "of course it was good. What made you ask that?"

"I don't know?" She shrugs. "I guess I just wanted to hear you say it."

"You're so cute." I praise giving her another kiss on the cheek. "Was it good for you Bamabina?"

She turned a little to look back at me, and said "I couldn't imagine it any other way."


⛪️Church Announcements⛪️

Hey my loves 🥰,

So some quick updates real fast. I know I haven't updated in sometime, but I promise I haven't forgot about you. I've come to truly hate typing these chapters on my phone, so I wanted to type them up in my laptop (because it sucks to type on my phone and look down at my notebook), but the screen is busted. I'm ordering a new one Wednesday, so you guys should get an update soon. I have about three LONG chapters written down, so it's just a matter of typing and editing when the laptop gets here.


P.S: To make up for my lack of presence, here's some pictures of my babies

S: To make up for my lack of presence, here's some pictures of my babies

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