Chapter 1: Month I

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Third Person's POV

___the next morning ___

The next morning the young couple woke up and didn't say a word to each other. Tiana was the first of the two to wake up however, she didn't get up because she was reveling in the feeling of Jason's arms around her. This is the first time he's shown her any kind of affection in a month. She knew that this is probably all she was going to get for a while and she's going to take whatever she can get. So Jason was the first one in the shower.

So while he was doing that, Tiana got up and traveled down to the hallway to Aiden's room. She opened the door to reveal her sleeping son, who was on his back with his limbs spread out all wild and crazy. The cover was half on the floor and half thrown over his legs. Tiana smiles at the sight, knowing that's not how she tucked him in last night.

"And he wonders why he has to sleep in his own bed." The young mother thinks aloud as she shuffles over to her and begins to shake him awake gingerly. "Come on Baby Boy." She coos softly.

"...mmmm I'm tired, Momma." The little boy mumbles, rolling over in hopes that his mother would take the hint and leave him to sleep some more.

"I know Baby but you have to get up because it's the first day of school." She reasons as she continues to urge him out of bed.

"Can't I go later." He groaned.

"You can't sleep your life away now can you son." Jason's playful tone breaks through the peaceful wake-up call. He enters the room and picks his son out of the bed and places him on his feet. "Come on kid, let's go brush our teeth." He's in a soft, but firm voice, leading the smaller version of himself to the bathroom.

Tiana watched and admired the way Jason handled their son. He never raised his voice nor did he ever lose his patience, but he always let it be known that his word was law. After watching her two boys, she got up and went to get herself ready. Thirty minutes later everyone was dressed and loading into Jason's Mercedes.

The car ride was mostly silent, as the two adults didn't know what to say to each other and the child in the back seat was completely unaware of the tension between his parents and was blissfully stuffing a pop tart and in his mouth whilst washing it down with a danimals yogurt.

They pulled up to the elementary campus of Riverdale Country School. The school looked a little big to Tiana. At least for an elementary school. She suddenly became worried that it would be to easy for someone to sneak in and grab Aiden and all she wanted to do is grab her baby and take him back home where she could watch him carefully.

"Are you sure this place isn't too big for him Jay?" Tiana voices her concerns, keeping a firm grip on Aiden's hand.

"Tiana this is the best private school that New York has to offer." He tells her with a calm voice.

"I know, but it's just so big, what if..." Her voice trailed off

Suddenly understanding her fear, Jason places a gentle hand on her lower side and pulled her a little closer to him. "I have everything taken care of." Tiana, not quite understanding gave him an unsure look. "I'll explain later." He tells her, before leading her and their son into the building.

Even though Aiden didn't seem so torn up by the accident Tiana was more alert of where her son was. Whenever he was with his grandparents she would call every hour and text every thirty minutes. Aiden was always wondering why his mother became so paranoid because to him he was just meeting his other grandmother for the first time. No one had harmed him nor had they given him any inclination that their intentions were less than good. But Tiana and Jason knew the truth and they knew how everything was meant to go down. And that left them both scared and paranoid

Tiana was stunned by the interior of the school and especially the classroom. It was nothing like the school she went to as a young girl. Everything looked modern and new, they even had computers in the classroom. Tiana's school was run down and all the supplies were scares and if they did have any it was of poor quality. All the books were outdated and sometimes a little racist. And they damn sure didn't have computers in the classroom. Her high school had a computer lab, but those barely worked anyway.

It sort of gave her comfort that she knows Aiden won't have those obstacles to jump over. The last thing she wanted was for her son to struggle in school and sending him to one of the best schools New York has to offer made her feel more secure in his future. It was nice to know that he didn't have to struggle as she had.

When the small family entered the classroom they were greeted by a young blonde woman that looked about same age as the young parents, whom Tiana assumed was the teacher greeted them at the doorway. "Hello, my name is Ms. Palmer and I'll be Aidens teacher this year."

"Lovely to meet you Ms. Palmer." Tiana greets, holding her hand out for the teacher to shake.

"Likewise." Ms. Palmer says with a smile, "And this must Aiden." She bends down and holds her hand out like Tiana did just a few minutes ago."

"Hello" Aiden greets, politely shaking her hand.

"Are you ready for the first day?" Ms. Palmer asks, with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah." He says.

Ms. Palmer chuckles lightly, standing up right once again. "We'll pick is at 2:15, and we do have an after school program that last until six if you would like. And we have parent conference meetings every twice a month." She informs the young couple, but the only one that's paying attention. Jason wanted the lady to shut the fuck up so that he could hurry up and get on with his day.

'How much shit does a five year old need for school.' Jason thought annoyed. 'He barely knows his damn fractions.'

"Okay thank you." Tiana thanks the lady, before calling Aiden over to her.

"Ma'am?" He asks looking up at his mother.

"You be good okay. And don't let nobody have to call me and yo Daddy at our jobs." She warns him. The last thing Tiana needs is for these white folk to be looking at her some kinda way because Aiden was acting up, even though he didn't really give her any problems, she knew they would find a reason.

"Yes ma'am." He answers and begins to walk off.

"Wait a minute." Tiana laughs, bending down to his level. "Give me my kisses."

Aiden happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around his mother's neck and attacked her face with kisses. "Bye Momma."

"By Baby boy, I'll see you after school.


Jason held the car door opened as he slyly watched Tiana's ass as she got into the car. He missed it being thrown back at him when he would have her on her hands and knees.

But he couldn't bring himself to mend the bridge. There were a few reasons why, but the main one was that he's ashamed. He knows that she saw him. The monster that he tried so hard to hide from her. She was never supposed to see that side of him. That emotionless, blood thirsty man that has no qualms about putting a bullet in between someone's eyes or one that didn't mind beating someone to death if needed.

He'll never forget the look in her eyes. Even though she was completely catatonic in the moments that he saved her her eyes told every expression she was feeling. Sadness, loss and fear. And then when she woke up she tried to hide it but he could tell that she was scared of him.

So he decided to it's that he'd make himself scares. He stayed at work for as long as he could and when he wasn't working mafia business he was working on the legal business at Dellucci Inc. He threw himself into work so that his fiancé wouldn't look at him with that fearful look.

Little does he know that his fiancé would nothing more than for him to talk to her. She's been wanting someone to talk to for so long. She wants to be shown affection. She wants to be able to have her confidant back, but all Jason does is ignore her. He doesn't talk to her, hell he doesn't even look at her. She wants her Jason back. Not this stoic man who just comes to the house to eat and sleep.

Little does the young couple know, not talking to each other was only the beginning of their problems.

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