Filling In (Mysterious Dryad)

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Filling In

Brody came to the stables 

he spoke to me, I understanding, 

liking this fella more, 

sharing the same goal as me  

sharing the same goal as me  

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Lady didn't say much, 

frustrated I was, 

upset even, 

running off without me 

The deputy saddled me, 

catching up with her in record time, 

Lady soon slowing down, 

this guy didn't tug on the reins, 

 leaving me with free reign, 

to which I appreciated 

"Are you going to fill me in Lady?" 

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"Bella contacted me, 

 said she was in Carson City, 

needing a ride, 

I complied"  

"You could have said

that earlier!" 

 Knight exclaimed  

 Knight exclaimed  

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"I'm sorry! 

Why is Bella's 

boyfriend with you?" 

"He saw you taking off, 

got worried, 

and here we are." 

"I like him. 

He cares like us."

"Me too, 

he gives apples!" 

Lady rolled her eyes 

and went to a gallop, 

I following suit 

With our speed, 

the destination time 

would cut in half, 

seeing our owner very soon, 

praying she'll be okay 

for the time being

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