Chapter Fifteen

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"Have you seen the news? It's crazy out there" Adam furrows shaking his head as Faye shuts the door behind him.

"Yeah, I know I've been following a long for the past few days. Dr. Revas called, she wants me to stay in. With how much cases are increasing day by day it's safer for me inside. The governor's talking about a lock down anyway."

"Its not like you leave this apartment anyways." Adam's chuckles placing grocery bags onto the counter.

"Shut up." Faye rolls her eyes following him to her fridge.

"Well this COVID thing is actually why I am here. Well, aside from making you a home cooked meal because pizza and chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A is not cutting it." Faye stood to the side glaring at Adam as she watched him move around her kitchen as if he lived there.

"Please, here me out on this okay. I want you to actually think about what I am about to say before you jump to saying no-"

"Adam get to the point please." Faye grunted climbing onto her bar stool struggling a tad bit.

"See that right there is why I'm about to ask what I am about to ask. You could easily fall and hurt yourself."

"Adam, I am not a child. I can take care of myself."

"Yeah mhmm, I want you to come stay at my place. Only until this all over. You're entering your third trimester and I want to be close by in case anything happens so I can make sure you're okay. Especially, with this lock down. You can't be leaving your apartment to go to the store and everything it's too much of a risk.
I can easily make things easier for you."
Adam continued as Faye stared quietly not mumbling a single word.

"I can even turn one of my guest rooms into a temporary studio for you so that way you can still work on your art. And if you're there you can also help me with the nursery I've been working on. I could use the future mom's opinion. We had already planned for you to come stay with me after the baby is born anyways. Now we're just doing things sooner. Can you at least just think about it?" Adam finished talking a pepper and slicing it up.

It had been quiet for several minutes after that as Faye just stared watching him cook.
Secretly loving the way he had moved around the kitchen but never daring to admit it.

Although her thoughts had been interrupted when she felt the pitter pattering around in her stomach making her gasp. This wasn't the first time this had happened but it still surprised her since this had only happened once before. She felt as if they were basically notifying her that this is all real and she has a life growing inside of her.

Adam paused hearing her gasps ready to question if she was alright until Faye beat him to it.

"Adam, come here! Come feel this!" She smiled as Adam made his way to her quickly.

Faye took his hand and placed it where the kicking was coming from as the smile widened on her face contagiously a large smile found it place on Adam's face as well.

"Wow... does it hurt?" Adam wondered as he felt the little feet press up against his hand as soon as his hand made contact.

"Not exactly, this is the second time I've felt them kick... the first scared the hell out of me I'll admit that. but Dr. Revas cleared all my panicked thoughts up after one phone call."
Faye smiled as she caressed Adam's hand that laid on her growing stomach.

"I don't need to think about it... the answer is yes. I have to be logical here and not think of myself and you're right going out right now is way too risky." Faye finished looking back up into Adam's eyes giving him a reassuring smile.

Adam had been so entranced in the moment from that moment on and so was Faye. So much so, that they began leaning in the lips seconds away from meeting.

That is until Faye smells the stench of something burning and snaps out of it.

"Adam the food!" Faye shouts turning toward the stoves seeing grey smoke rising from her golden pan.

"Shit!" Adam grunts taking the pan of the stove.

All this had made Faye laugh lightening the mood and as contagious as her laugh can be it made Adam laugh too.

"I'm sorry, I just burnt the chicken." Adam shakes his head as Faye watched completely amused.

"Well move over, I am clearly the better cook. Wouldn't want you burning the last of the chicken left in that container now would we?"Faye giggles sliding down from the stool and washing her hands.

"Oh no, you go back over there and take a seat. You're are supposed to be letting me treat you to a meal. So that you can relax."

"Any other meal would be okay. But this one is a no. You've already got me craving chicken Alfredo now that you planted it in my brain that that's what I'll be having for dinner tonight. And if you mess it up well let's just say you're going to have a very emotional pregnant woman on your hands for the rest of the night. Now I am the best at making my favorite meal so why don't you step aside and let me do my thing.
But if you insist on doing something I guess you can help out...
why don't you go boil some water."Faye instructed moving Adam out of the way as a giggle escapes her lips.

"See how real chefs handles the kitchen."
Faye winked taking the place in front of the stove getting to work.

"So how about I stay the night and help you get some things together and we head over to my house tomorrow? I want to make sure you're all set before I head into work. The boss is getting serious about everyone working from home."

"How's that going to work exactly? I mean normally this job requires you to travel to your clients right? I mean basketball is still in season right? Isn't this season really important for you? I thought they were going to make you partner this year?"
Lahlani furrows glancing up at Adam to find a glum look on his face.

"Well yes, but well how things are going right now I'm not sure. I had a lot of endorsements and deals ready to go for my clients this month but with what's happening right now I'm not sure.
At the moment the basketball season is up in the air because a player on the Jazz's tested positive. But right now from what I can tell, yes the season is getting suspended and everything is getting put on pause."

"I'm sorry, I know how much your job means to you." Faye's reassuring smile had lightened Adams's mood a tad bit.

"I'm okay with it though... I'm going to have to change the way I do things for a little while until this is all over but that's okay. I'll probably spend more time making phone calls during this quarantine than I ever have in my lifetime that's for sure."
Adam chuckles looking back up taking in Faye's attentiveness.

Adam loved that about her. Always willing to listen. He had missed ranting to her and talking to her about other things. He missed that... talking and not arguing.

"But enough about my work... what about you? Have you worked on that new collection of yours yet?" Adam grinned.
He had to admit that watching her talk about her work has always fascinated him.
Faye was always so passionate about it.

"Yes and no, my agent has been getting on my ass about it. And before you tell me to cut my agent a break because 'being an agent can be a very tough job' I know." Faye rolls her eyes holding up her hands making quotation gestures as she spoke.

"But in all seriousness, I got a burst of inspiration last night and ended up staying in my studio all night finishing two pieces... do you... do you want to see them?"

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