Chapter Twenty-six

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"I know you hear those sirens... let's not do anything stupid. All you need to do is let me get Faye and we're out of here."

"I can't do that Adam."

"Why the hell not? You're in deep shit and you know it Nylaa. I'm not here to play games with you or anything in the nature of that bullshit. I'm here for Faye.
Now I know you see this in my hand. That's enough talking because I also didn't come here to talk now get the fuck out of the way!"

"That's not gonna happen Adam. Besides you're too late, that baby in there is mine and if I can't have my baby then no one can."
Nylaa smirked up at Adam with a grin from ear to ear.

"I swear to god you crazy bitch, move!"
Adam's distress was clearly visable as he heard Faye whimpering out in the back room that Nylaa was blocking.
But Adam had had it. With the clear sign of the vein bulging from out the middle of his forehead Adam took several steps forward cocking the gun and aiming it in clear line of sight of Nylaa making her back up against the wall with her hands raised.

But again Nylaa threw Adam for a loop when she bursted out laughing. Squaring her shoulders up at Adam followed by another string of giggles with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter! Don't you understand, you ruined everything I heard the sirens so I went to plan C. I told you, no one can have my baby but me. No one. So kill me I don't care, I'll be with both my beautiful babies, it'll be glorious. A glorious day of rejoicing! Shoot me Adam! Shoot me you coward!"
Nylaa beamed closing her eyes and baring herself to Adam ready to be taken out of this world.

But Adam had enough of this so he took the end of the gun and struck Nylaa with it making her fall to the floor the room falling quiet for seconds after as Adam just stared at her still body.

But Adam snapped out of his trance when the quiet and stillness of the house set in and everything came rushing back to him as the sirens got louder and louder and he realized he could no longer hear the sound of Faye's cry.

Without a second thought Adam rushed into the back room making the door slam into the peeling beige walls.

His eyes immediately found Faye's body splayed out on the bed with her eyes slowly drooping shut as she stared up at the ceiling while sweat slowly slid down her face that once held a look of pure agony but now held a look of content.

Adam had been at her side in less than a second trying to take in her current state.

"Faye, baby I'm here. Open your eyes Faye, please!"
Adam rushed out trying to grab her attention but it was as if everything was going in slow motion for Faye. It felt like it took her an eternity for her eyes to meet Adam's.

"Adam" Faye's voice sounded of glee but it was clear she was completely delirious even with the smile on her face.

"Faye, look at me"
He took her face in his hand and looked into her eyes seeing that they were dialated only made him worry more about what could possibly also be wrong.

"Faye, listen to me. Do you know what Nylaa did to you? Did she give you something or I don't know, just please keep your eyes open!"
Adam words were coming out in shambles and even more so when her saw eyes slowly drifting shut again.

Adam pleaded for her to open her eyes again...
But she didn't.

He checked her pulse and made sure she was still breathing and even that seemed to have been fading away.

And as if to add some icing to the cake or better yet this shit storm of the past few days Adam looked down further examine her and his eyes stood at a stand still staring at the large puddle of blood that was seeping into the mattress sat beneath Faye's lower body.

"No no no! Faye please!" A tear slid down Adam's face and more soon followed as his heart dropped and his stomach twisted into knots. He felt like he was going to be sick but he knew he needed to keep it all together.

So with everything he had in him he swept Faye into his arms and carried her out of the room as her body that almost seemed lifeless swayed with his movement towards the door all the while walking passed Nylaa who had been out cold on the hall floor.

"Stay with me baby!" Adam rushed out the door over to his car.

Better late than ever three cop cars pulled up alongside his car with detective Larson quickly getting out and rushing towards him.

"I'll call for an ambulance!" She tried to interject but Adam wasn't having it as opened his back door laying Faye in the back seat before rushing to the driver's side.

"No, it'll be too late if I wait for them! Where's the nearest hospital?"
Adam yells out half way inside his car.

"It's about fifteen or twenty minute from here follow behind my car I'll lead the way."

And with that they were off.

Adam sat speeding along the highway following behind Larson who in his mind wasn't going fast enough so he was close on her tail trying to make her pick up the speed.

"Fuck! Shit shit shit!" Adam slammed his fist down onto the wheel as his heart seemed to be beating a thousand miles a minute.

"Faye please! Please stay with me, we're almost there!" Almost glanced up into his rear view mirror starting at Faye's almost lifeless pale face with her lips turning shades of blue.

Now at the back emergency room entrance Adam's car comes to a stop and Faye was in his arms while he rushed her inside in seconds.
Adam was moving so fast that it was hard to tell if he himself was even keeping up.

"We need some help over here!"

"Please, my girlfriend she's pregnant and barely breathing we need help!"

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