Chapter Twenty Three

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"Please my name is Faye, Faye Elson. I need help! I am being held against my will!"
Faye rushed out feeling a sense of urgency set in within her.

"Okay Faye, do you know where you're being held? And is your captor there now?"

"No I'm- I'm in my family's cabin I think it's on the east side of this forest if I remember correctly. I'm alone! she's not here, she's had me locked in here for days."

"Okay, Faye are you hurt? Injured in any way?"

"My head, she had hit me over the head when she took me and it was fine I mean she said she stitched it up I guess but now my head has been bleeding for the past two days. And... and I'm pregnant. I've been getting stabbing pains too I don't think they're contractions it's too early for that. Something's wrong"
It was clear Faye was out of sorts as she reached up and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand smearing blood into it as she felt it burn from contact.
Strange as it may be though it no longer really hurt it just had numbness to it now.

"How far along are you ma'am?"

"I-I think thirty weeks thirty-one maybe. I'm not sure it's been hard to keep track of time while I've been here."

"Ma'am you were referring to a she a moment ago is this she your captor?"

"Yes" Faye breathed out feeling her fatigue coming back one again.

"Do you know who your captor is?"

"Yes... she's my sister." Faye breathed out her lower back aching immensely making her lean forward biting her lip in pain.

"I'm sorry ma'am did you say your sister?"
This dispatcher responded her voice clearly has emphasis of question and shock within but Faye couldn't bring herself to answer she was too distracted.


"Ma'am are you still there?"

Faye let out a breath
"Yes! Please I -... I need help. I don't know when she's coming back. She's going to try to take my baby and kill me please! Please you have to find me. I'm chained up I can't go anywhere!"

"Ma'am I have officers in route to the forest we have you transmitting from Mount hood national forest now you said your family's cabin. Do you know who's name the cabin is under?"

Faye had been ready to answer but she just couldn't. She couldn't speak. She wanted to feel relieved at this but she couldn't her mouth was open but words didn't come out. All she could do was gape in pain as what seemed like a cramp but was twenty time worst surges through her lower body.

She was trying so hard to breath but found herself holding her breath while onto the desk for dear life waiting for the pain to pass while repeating to herself that it was not a contraction because she can't be in labor. Because she'd been getting these pains since yesterday afternoon but they weren't this bad yesterday and the only happened less than a few times.

But Faye knew better and knew that she needed to be very worried about her situation.

"Faye talk to me what's going on?"
She heard the dispatcher over the radio again and reached for the mic to speak into the pain still hadn't passed.

"I don't know... something's wrong! Something's wrong with my baby!" Faye finally breathed out her voice raising as she continued.

"Faye tell me what exactly is wrong?"

"I think- I think I'm having contractions. But it's too soon something else is wrong."

"Okay Faye I need you to take deep breaths okay im gonna get you help. Now do you know who's name is listed on the cabin and if so tell me there name"

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