Chapter Sixteen

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I should've told him no.
Yep, I'm convinced I should have said no.
Why in my right mind would I ever say yes to moving in with him.

That's it I wasn't in my right mind. I clearly couldn't have been with the decisions I've been making lately.

It's just my hormones... it has to be right?
This attraction is false, it's my mind playing tricks on me telling me that I want him when I see him shirtless in his backyard lifting weights when in reality I actually do not want him.

He's doing this on purpose he obviously knows what he is doing to me.

He thinks he is slick but I know...
He's just trying to turn me on with his big muscular body.
But the joke is on him because I am not turned on.

"Faye?" I hear my name making me snap out of my daze realizing the figure I was once watching in the backyard is no longer there but instead is standing directly in front of me.


"You good? I've been calling out to you for a good minute now." Adam's furrows taking a long sip of water from his glass as Faye watched closely unable to avert her eyes.

Faye cleared her throat before giving a smile grin.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I just need some air. It's a little stuffy in here." Faye mumbles side eyeing Adam as she rose up from her seat.

"It is?" Adam furrowed as a large smirk spread across his face.

It's as if he knows... 
what I had been thinking when I had been in here alone.
With his knowing taunting smirk on his face.

"Pregnancy body, um yah know what I am going finish working on my piece..."
Faye let's out a small nervous giggle before speed walking out of the kitchen.
Heading into her studio grabbing a paintbrush and staring at the large black canvas that sat on her easel.

"How's the piece coming along?"
Faye jumped at hearing his voice turning around meeting a shirtless Adam.

"Ummm it's not, not really at least. I can't get the oils and this color scheme to play together the right way." Faye trails off as Adam took steps towards her until he was directly in front of where she stood.

"Have you tried looking at it from a different perspective getting a different angle on it to try and see it in another light?"
Adam furrowed taking a hold of Faye's waist moving her to the side a few steps.

Faye hadn't been expecting his sudden touchiness and it took her by surprise making a gasp escape her lips much to her dismay.
She could feel the heat creeping up her neck to her cheeks and she could already feel that she had been getting red in the face.

His touch did things to her that she knew she could never admit at the moment... not freely at least.

Faye's earlier thoughts had been correct also... Adam knew exactly what he was doing the minute Faye noted how the room had been hot and seeing her ears turn a slight shade of pink.
Something he had noticed years ago when they were in high school together.

He wasn't sure if she was feeling the same thing he was feeling at the moment but one thing was for sure however, and that was that they both wanted each other's lips on their own.

And both stood there frozen waiting for someone to make the first move.

Faye's eyes wouldn't leave his. They were locked on each other and there was no breaking it.
Faye was having a grand internal battle at that moment.
Trying to figure out if a kiss is all she wants from him is or
something more.
Her body was certainly craving more than that that's for sure .
I mean between her legs said it all. Which was also shocking to Faye being that she had never been so hungry for sexual attention before but then again before she got pregnant her sexual experiences was a solid zero and she hadn't ever needed to feel the force of hormones that reamed within her.

But another thing was that her mind was at odds too. One side was telling not to at the potential possibility that she may regret moving her relationship with Adam onto a different place that it will likely never recover from again not this time at least.
But the other side was telling her to go after what she had been wanting since the first week she had moved into his place.

And being secluded away with only him was not helping because she couldn't just not go a day without seeing him.
Seeing him everyday calmed her in a way. Waking up every morning to see him in the kitchen fixing her some breakfast as if he had wined and dined her the night before when in reality nothing of the sort had actually occurred.
Or his eagerness to help her. Even though Faye made it more than clear that she was not immobile and that she can handle herself because she is not a damsel in distress.
Which is kinda funny because half of the time she couldn't even get up from her seat without asking for some help after struggling of course due to her stubbornness.

Everything he did made her smile or laugh. It's like he had made it his job from day one to not see her upset at all and make sure the rest of her pregnancy ran as smoothly as possible.

Which is very hard considering the slightest things have been making her cry.
The other day she had accidentally knocked some of Adam's work files onto the floor making them scatter all throughout his office after her bump had hit it.
Which in turn led to her crying for nearly over an hour.
Much to Adam's dismay he couldn't get her to stop crying and apologizing to him. Even though he hadn't been upset with her at all.

So Adam was comforting her a lot of the time. He's even had a chance to cuddle with her twice now because her pregnancy pillow had been in the wash and she needed something to take its place for the night.
Faye was a bit of a wild sleeper sometimes but he didn't mind.

He just loved being so close to her and bringing her comfort.

So as they both stood making eye contact with one another one thing was clear and that was that they both felt this undeniable attraction and they both want to act on it.

However, the events that took place next shocked the both of them.
It shocked Faye especially.

See she hadn't been expecting herself to make the first move. But she did, without even thinking about it. Her body took action before her mind could even process what she was doing.

In an instant her lips were on Adam's erupting in a passionate kiss that has been long overdue.

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