Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Sir, as I've repeatedly told you time and time again, when there is an update on her condition you will be notified now will you please go take your seat."
The nurse at the reception desk grunted glaring up at Adam.

Adam was exhausted and he could feel himself reaching breaking point while speaking with lady. He had no patience left in him really but he knew not to make a scene if he wanted an update on Faye's condition and he couldn't really get that if he gets himself kicked out of the hospital.

So with everything he had in him he nodded his head and retreated back to his cold hard chair in the waiting room that was also somehow swarmed with people still hours later from when he initially got there.

He hears his name being called out in the distance making him look up in that direction his eyes landing on Faye's parents, Amber, and  Janea frantically rushing into the waiting room.

It instantly dawned upon him that he forgot to call them and tell them that he'd found Faye and that she was here in the hospital.

"Mama El, Michael I-"
Adam started as he rose to his feet but he was cut off by Faye's mom enveloping him in a warm hug.

"Thank you! Thank you for finding our daughter Adam. How is she?"
Angela rushed out  looking up at Adam woth such hopeful eyes.

"I'm not sure, they haven't told me anything and I've been waiting here for hours. I'm so sorry I didn't call you sooner it's just-"

"Now that's enough of that son. That doesn't matter, we're here now. Now when you found her how was she? What state was she in?"
Michael finally spoke up taking a step towards Adam grabbing his attention.

Adam let out a long sigh running his hand over his face as images of how he last saw Faye flashed in his mind the sense of dread he felt within only increasing.

"Not good... she was-
Sh-she was barely even breathing when we got here an-and there had been so much blood when I found her." Adam chocked out feeling a heavy weight in his chest.

"Oh my baby" Angela sober out as Michael took her in his arms.

A long silence fell over them for what seemed like forever. It's as if they had been frozen in time but everything was still rapidly moving at a fast pace around them.

"And the baby? Do you know if the baby's okay?"

Adam looked up at them again before shrugging his shoulders in defeat.
He felt powerless to what was happening around him.

"They won't tell me anything. Everytime I ask that awesome lady over there shuts me down. The last update I got was that she's still-"

"Family of Faye Elson"
Everyone turned towards the doctor that came in with a clipboard in hand glancing down at then back up at Michael who had quickly approached him as the rest of them followed.

"That's us,
I am her father, How is she doing? How's my baby girl doing?"
The doctor took in everyone's faces that surrounded him waiting for the news on their loved one. The clear look of worry showcased on all of there faces.

And now he's about to tell this man, the man who's daughter's life he held in his hands rather he was able to save and repair the extensive damage done to his daughter.

"I am Dr. Peterson and this is Dr. Marek, we saw to the care of Faye...
Faye had very extensive injuries and her body had grown very weak due to malnutrition and dehydration. It appears that Ms. Elson was poisoned."
There was a collective gasp from everyone leaving an eerie feeling within them all as they awaited to hear what comes next.
"We did everything we could to save miss Elson, but unfortunately she d-"

"Don't say it! Don't you dare say it! I've waited here for hours on an update-
for news on the love of my life and my child. And the news better be good news! Don't tell me that she didn't make it!"

You could hear Adam break in the tone of his voice. It's like everything within him had been crumbling to mere smithereens... to nothingness.

His yelling had caught the attention of all the bystanders in the room also sitting or standing waiting for news on their loved ones. Husbands, wives, parents, children, friends, and family friends who had all been strangers to Adam all stared in shock at his sudden outburst of emotion. At first it had been shock but then it soon turned to sympathy.
They felt sorry for this man.
A man who's heartbreak was radiating off of him at every turn.
Janea quickly came up beside Adam placing a comforting hand on Adam's slumped over shoulders trying to ease his distressed state but she knew there was no way she could ease any of the pain they were all feeling at that moment and likely would be feeling for a very long time from now.

"I am very very sorry for your loss...
The damage was just to extensive. We did everything we could for Faye"-
The doctor continued but was cut off again by Michael.

"And my grandchild? Is- is the baby okay?"
Michael asks with sorrow etched deeply onto his face while the doctors words are still setting in.

All while Adam stared with a blank expression  on his face becoming completely unreadable.

"We had to perform an emergency C-section. And the condition of baby is stable at the moment but we however are still running tests and are keeping the baby under observation since she was born prematurely."

"She? I have a little girl?"
Adam spoke up a glimpse of what seemed to be joy flashes across his face but in less than a second it was gone ad quick as it came and again was replaced with his unreadable expression.

The doctor paused looking up at Adam before continuing.

"Yes, she unfortunately unable to breathe on her own at this moment but in due time she may be able to get there."

"When can I see her?"

"We're still running tests but we can get you in to see her shortly... again I just want to offer my condolences to you all. Ms. Elson fought hard. I am very sorry for your loss".

"The police are also here to take your statement sir". The doctor continues looking at Adam the only reaction he received being a small nod.

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