Chapter Four

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Looking around her room unable to stand being in her home for any longer. Faye quickly changes into light washed jeans, and a tank top.
Throwing her big curly hair up into a bun. Not even, stopping to look in the mirror, Faye grabs her purse from her dresser. And opened her bedroom door. Not bothering, to glancing at the two men who stood in her living room ready to go at each others throats.

But, they had stopped when they realised they were no longer alone, and stared as Faye walked to the door.

Watching her concern quickly worked its way onto Adam's face.

"Faye, where are you going?" Adam questioned, walking towards her as Faye stood at the door unlocking it.

"Don't wait, up" Faye replied with an expressionless face.
Meanwhile, worry was eched onto Adam's face.

Quickly, turning around to look at William.
Adam gave him a hard and disgusted glare before saying, "Get out, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you right now and maybe not ever. Do yourself a favor and get the hell out don't waste your time because knowing you, a life as pointless as yours probably doesn't have much time left. Leave, I'm sure your psycho baby mama is waiting for you." And with that Adam walked into Faye's room to put the rest of his clothes on.

"You better be out of here by the time I come out!" Adam yells from the room. Still feeling William's presence.


He had been out for over an hour searching for Faye. Adam was afraid. Afraid his friendship with Faye is tarnished, is it selfish for him to only be worried about that at the moment?

The woman, Adam had been in love with nearly, all of their friendship. He knew since the first time he had set eyes upon her, that she would be his.
Adam just hadn't had the confidence to claim her. Instead, he let another man swoop in and take her from his grasp.

Adam stared at the afternoon skys. It was struck with multiple bright colors. But none of it lifted his mood. The guilt he felt for ruining their friendship.

After, another half hour Adam realised that Faye needed her space right now. And that if she wants to be found she'd be found.

Sending her quick text message just asking her to let him know if she is alright.

Immediately, she replied with an I'm fine, don't worry I'm safe.

Adam, let out a long exasperated sigh as he stared at the text message.
"Okay" he said to himself. Before getting back into his car and heading back to his apartment.

3 Months later...

Faye's P. O. V.

"Look, Faye I'm tired of this. You never want to do anything anymore, it has been 3 months! We haven't actually had a girls night out in I don't know how long!" I rolled my eyes at her. I can care less for her pointless antics. I'm not one to judge and hold grudges but since everything that had happened with the wedding and everything, our friendship just hasn't been the same.

She only cares about herself most of the time.
"I don't care, it doesn't matter how long it has been. Because I am not going with you. Especially, for you to get shit faced and me to babysit you all night."

"Ouch" she replied glaring at me.

"You know your attitude really sucks. I've talked to Adam too. You haven't talked to him in three months?
Come on, Faye even you have to see that, that is absolutely ridiculous. He is our best friend." Amber continues on but I had stopped listening at the mention of Adam.

Its not that I am mad, angry or upset with him. Its just that I can't face him. Last time, I saw him I made out with him. Literally, the day after we had had slept together.
I don't know what had gotten into me. He came back to my place after everything had settled down and it just happened.

But as soon as the make out session was over I nearly dragged him out the door trying to get him to leave.

His touch and everything about him made me feel safe and warm. Alive even.
His lips made my heart flutter in warmth. And it scared me. Because I didn't know how I felt about all of it especially since it didn't feel the same as when I was with William.

I was in my thought until I heard her say, "Adam is here behind your front door waiting. No buts about it, you're going to talk to him. "

My eyes went wide at her words. Almost making me freeze in my spot. But I snapped out of it and sighed before following behind Amber crossing my arms over my chest.

I want to be mad at Amber for this but I just can't be.

I heard, the door click open before loud footsteps sounded. And it seemed as if they were getting closer and closer.

I looked up and in an instant I felt his lips on mine.
It took me by complete surprise. I felt the familiarity of the lips that are on mine. When the heart warming and safe feeling seeped into me.

I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip asking for entrance. And gladly I granted him access. Feeling his tongue slip into my mouth. It was like a battle for dominance. And it all felt so passionate. And he quickly won when I felt his hand on my hip and he gave it a squeeze.

I couldn't pull away. I did not want to.

"Oh my god." I heard Amber gasp as Adam began to pull away from my lips. Leaving me breathless.

I stared into Adam's eyes unable to look away.
I hadn't really took in his facial features till now.
To his chiseled chin to his eyes that held so much emotion.

"Okay, you two owe me an explanation and I want to hear it right now." Amber says with a look on her face that I couldn't quite decipher.

I looked, backup at Adam in question on rather or not we should tell her what had happened between us. All the while, my cheeks were burning red in embarrassment. But not the type of embarrassment one would think it was.

"I made love, to the most beautiful, caring, kind hearted, and stubborn woman I've ever met and I do not regret it one bit. Because she is the love of my life. And I have been wanting to do it since well forever." Adam spoke with such ease and calmness but his words took me by surprise and I couldn't help the shocked expression that sat on my face.

I hadn't expected him to say that. I had no words. I was completely gobsmacked at his sudden confession.

Wait a minute did he just say love of my life?

There was complete silence in the room for what felt like ages.

"I knew it! I knew it!... Wait a minute you two had sex? And didn't tell me? My two best friends had sex and did not tell me?"

"Wait, you two seem all happy now and look like you've been in a relationship for the past three months. Oh my god have you two?" Amber rushed out with the biggest eyes of ever seen on her.

"No, we really haven't seen or talked to each other in three months." I finally speak up.

"What? why not?"

"I needed time and... I was scared. As you both know my last relationship ended up a shit show. And I was afraid I had lost another relationship and this time with my best friend. I was too scared to face you." I finish off looking up into Adam's eyes that had so much emotion in them.

"Faye I was scared that I was going to lose you too. But I know exactly what I want. And I have always known. And what I want is you. It has always been you." Adam admits as a big smile spread across his face.

"Wow I feel like I just walked into one of my mommy's novellas." Amber laughed while clapping her hands in what I assume is excitement.

What a complete turn of events my mood has made.
But in a way I feel like I am leading Adam on. Like he said he is in love with me. I may really care for him and love him as my best friend but, there is a connection there but either way I still don't think I'm ready to just jump into another relationship.

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