Chapter Thirty

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"When can I see her!"
Why won't they let me them?
I don't understand it's like I am being punished. I still don't even fully understand what happened.

No one is giving me any answers.

"Sir, we told you we cannot move you yet. Moving you puts your injuries at risk." I could see the nurse was trying to sympathize with me but I could care less.

It's like nobody is really hearing me at all.
I just want to see her and see for myself that she is okay.
See this is all real.
I still don't even really believe it completely.

"That is bullshit! This is all bullshit! Why're you guys keeping me from them? Please at least let me see my child. I am begging you."
But again it's like my pleas were falling on deaf ears.

What the fuck is going on.
This must still be a dream.
That's it I'm still stuck in some shitty nightmare.
That's what this has to be because why are they keeping the love of my life and child from me.

I hear the nurse clear her throat feeling her cold icy blue eyes land on me I look over at her and glare.

"That police are hear to get your statement about what happened."

"How the fuck am I supposed to give a statement on what happened when I don't even know what happened. Especially since will tell what the fuck is going on!"
I found myself getting even angrier at the nurse and a large part of me began to feel like shit for it.

I mean she's just doing her job. But I can't help but feel like they're all keeping me from my family.
I just want to see them... to hold them so I know this is real. That's all I want.

The nurse quickly left the room and then in came none other than detective Larson of course.

"It's nice to finally see you awake. You had us all worried there for a minute."

"Can you just please tell me what is going on?"
Hear I am again pleading to hear the truth.

But the hen Larson furrowed her big bushy eyebrows at me crossing hers arms over one another.

"Mr. Samsol, what do you last remember exactly?"
I see her reach into her pocket for her pen and pad.

Does she think I'm about to give her some breakthrough answer for her investigation because if so she's going to be very fucking disappointed.

"The last thing I remember is... I was driving somewhere... I had gotten a phone call telling me how to find Faye."
I need to know what happened after that. Why can't I remember?

"Do you know who called you?"

"No they told me that if I wanted Faye back that I needed to not ask questions. Larson I'm begging can you please tell me what happened? Who shot me?"

"Well near by cameras places you arriving at the scene around 5:32 pm last Thursday. We see you stop to do something on your phone and we've lined up and match time stamps and that appears to be when you sent me your location. Now according to those cameras you went in at 5:33 but you didn't come out till 6:27 pm... nearly an hour later. And when you came out you were being wheeled out but EMTs."

"Okay so what happened in that time that led me to being shot?"

"Well based on what we have from Ms. Elson's statements and others this is what we have."

Eight Days earlier, 5:33 pm...

Adam stood in what appeared to be the living room of the broken down mobile home. Looking at paint peeling off the walls and the disgusting trashy interior made feel uneasy and sick ti his stomach at the thought of Faye being held here.

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