Chapter Seven

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"So when are you going to tell Adam? You can't just keep avoiding him. You know he's not the call and text kind of guy."
Amber said plopping down onto Faye's couch with a bowl of cereal in hand.

"Amber, please I am not talking about this right now okay. When I am ready I will talk to him. Stop bugging me."

"Why are you even still here anyway? Go home. Over here eating my favorite cereal without my premission." Faye grunted folding her arms over her chest with a pout on her lips.

"Girl chill out, its not like you were eating it anyway. Besides, you really should eat something ya know." Amber rambled along flipping though movies on Netflix.

"Whatever, do what you want I'm going to go get ready for work." Faye stood up from the couch taking a breath from the dizziness she felt when she had stood up and everything began to spin.

"You alright, Faye?" Faye heard Amber but it only sounded as if her voice had been ringing in her ears.

Faye only nodded her head before continuing to walk off to her room to go get ready.
Amber watched Faye's back disappear into her bedroom with the door shutting behind her.

Amber rolled her eyes in annoyance.
The fact that Faye believes that she can avoid this topic is crazy if she is as far along as she should be, she should be showing in the next few weeks. And Adam will only give her this much space for so long.Which is not very long technically speaking.
Amber sat in thought for what seemed like several more minutes until she heard a loud thud  come from her bedroom.

"Faye?" Amber quickly stood to her feet rushing into her friends room seeing her no where in sight in her bedroom.
Rushing over to the bathroom deciding to knock first but she received no answer.

"Faye is everything alright?" Amber yelled through the door knocking one more.
When she had once again received no answer, panic was bestowed upon Amber.

Without waiting another second Amber opened the door quickly finding her best friend sprawled out onto the tile floor unconscious.

"Shit, Faye!" Amber rushed to her side checking for pulse while pulling out her phone.
"Faye, wake up" Amber shook Faye's shoulders repeatedly but Faye didn't budge.

Faye's P. O. V.

Bright lights are what met my eyes when I tried to open them. That and the sterile smell of cleaning product's and last but certainly not least the annoying sound of a beeping going off over and over ringing into my ears.

"I don't understand, what's wrong with her?"
The voice was faint but I can still recognize that voice anywhere.

"Adam, please there isn't anything necessarily wrong with her. Besides she needs to be the one to tell you not me. It is important. I know she is still being very distant with you but she has a reason. So please stick around."

It was quiet for a minute or so before Amber noticed Faye's movement out the corner of her eye.

Immediately, the focus was on Faye as she began to sit up.
Faye felt their eyes on her and quickly looked up at them with furrowed brows.

"What's going on?" Faye questions ready to get out of the bed but Amber quickly stopped her.

"Faye, you fainted-"

"Oh please, I don't faint." Faye said in a mocking tone to Amber.
"Well you did this morning. I'm going to go get your doctor. Try not to hurt Adam here's feelings with your sour ass attitude in the next minute I am gone please". Amber grumbled walking out of the room.

As soon as Amber had left the room, the room fell completely silent.  A slight sense of awkwardness settled in the air.
However, Faye didn't let that last when she quickly became tired of the silence and finally looked over at Adam instantly making eye contact with him.

Just as sexy as I had last seen him. It was clear that he had been stressed out a bit. Faye thought to herself.
What could he possibly be stressing about?
She thought.

"Are you pregnant?" The words raced out of Adams mouth before he could even realize what he was about to say out loud.
They left his lips just as Faye was getting ready to say something to him.

But now she just sat there with a shocked expression spread across her face.
"I- how-" Faye tried to speak big she was quickly cut off by Adam.

"It all clicked today, when Amber called and told me you were here. Telling me how you hadn't been feeling well lately and how you fainted. It was as simple as searching your symptoms up on google... especially when I thought about that night and that morning. How I didn't remember seeing a condom anywhere in sight... So are you?" Adam asked again taking a step closer towards Faye.

Faye had thought that he was mad at first but now looking at him she didn't see any of that. All she saw was worry, panic, and... hope? Maybe?

Faye let out a long exasperated sigh.
She couldn't lie to him about it and she knew that she'd have to tell him at some point.

"Yes... I am" admitting to it loud felt like a wake up call to Faye. One that she seriously needed at that.

The room fell silent again for several minutes. But just as Adam was getting ready to dat something, there had been a knock at the door before it opened and in came the doctor and Amber.

Amber came in with a beaming smile on her face making Faye furrows her brows in suspicion at her friends sudden but not unexpected behavior.

"Nice to see you awake Ms. Elson, took quite a spill. I'm Dr. Revas"
Faye nodded reaching out and shaking the doctor's outstretched hand.

"Now we ran some tests and yes you're indeed pregnant. But, the reason for you fainting today is because you're severely dehydrated now it is important that you avoid that-"

"Wow, this is a lot." Adam said quietly to himself but everyone in the room had heard him, the attention now on him.

Dr. Revas turned and looked at Adam before offering her hand to him.

"So I'm guessing you're dad?"

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