Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I don't understand, what's happening? Where are you going?"
Adam anxiously asked side stepping the detective stopping her in her tracks.

"Mr. Samsol, I have pressing matters to tend to. Now when I have more information regarding Ms. Elson's case you'll be one of the first to know now if you'd excuse me."
The detective rushes out moving passed Adam quickly.

Something is happening, I can feel it. Adam thougt to himself before following the detective and the other officers out the door before getting into his car and following in suit.

Several minutes earlier...

"Instead of questioning me about Faye and William's relationship you should be out there looking for her! Faye is in danger and you're all treating this like she's some fugitive! She pregnant for fucks sake! She's out there scared and could be hurt and yet here you all are just doing check point and sending out alerts! Look at her sister!
She had plenty of motive. The bitch is crazy! Y'all really think Faye would shoot Will-"
Janea was livid at hearing the detectives questions.
Intent? Motives? They're insinuating that Faye went to her parents house as if she knew Will would be there.
Amber the angle they were approaching this whole thing at is all complete bullshit and anyone would agree.

"Janea, I hope that it's fine I call you that by the way. Anyway, Janea as I had told both you and Mr. Samsol earlier, Faye's sister, Nylaa has an alibi. We have evidence to support everything we have."
The detective quickly cut off Janea from finishing her sentence ans it was clear she was becoming hot when th anger.
So the detective needed to find a way to get this situation under control so a classic and typical good cop bad cop may be perfect for this situation.
"You know what, why don't I give you time to think my questions over? Let's take a break to calm ourselves thuds is only a routine questioning after all."
The detective finishes off rising from his seat at the cold metal table gathering her folders and letting the door slam behind him.

Not even fourty-five  seconds later in came detective Larson wearing a sympathetic smile taking a seat across from her.

"Janea, thank you for coming down I know these last few days has been hard for you and your loved ones.
Now we know you and Faye are close and I can also tell that you just want what's best for your friend but right now finding her and getting her safely into custody is our biggest priority.
We don't want her to put herself or her baby in anymore danger.
If you could just tell us what you know and give us any information regarding this case we'd appreciate it. All we're trying to do here is help."
Detective Larson finished off clasping her hands together.

"I already told the other detective that I don't have any idea where she is. She hasn't contacted me and I haven't spoken to her since at least 3 days before this all happened. I don't care if her sister has an alibi. Nylaa could've had help she has Faye. And she shot William he said it himself to Adam."

The detective stared at Janea thinking over her next approach as silence fell over the cold dim room.

"That may be true but we have no way of knowing til we find Faye or until she turns herself in. Now Nylaa has come in multiple time and has been fully cooperating with us. We have no indication that she was even in the vicinity of the Elson home at the scene.
What we do have is prints and footage of Faye and William interacting moment before the incident occurred."

"You may have all that but the thing is none of this was fake. There's never even shot again I don't even think she knows how to hold one. She won't even step on a bug think she's capable of shooting a man she once was in love with? Do you all think that she's capable of shooting to kill? Even if she did shoot him it had to of been with reason. It could've been self-defense. Faye did everything in our power to separate herself from William, she didn't even want to see his face why would she go there to kill him? All she wanted to do was move on and she was doing that with Adam, she was happy. She's almost 9 months pregnant you think she's going to go and put her self in danger like that put her baby at her self in jeopardy? She's barely been out of the house in the past couple of months. Marriage because he did not shoot him. And if that's all you want to question me about then we are done here."
Janea rose from her seat grabbing her purse.

"you are free to leave but just know but if you do know anything about Faye's whereabouts you will be held accountable for aiding and abetting." Detective Larson had her eyes narrowed at Janea as she had stopped in her tracks and was glaring at the detective.

"I'm just trying to do my job" Detective Larson
Omari yes but was cut off by the detective from earlier rushing into the room and lowly telling detective Larson something.

From the looks of it, it was very important because they were up and out of the room in a flash.

"Think about what I've said." Is all that was said as they exited.


"I said write it!"
Faye's fingers trembled as they brought own pen to paper. A drop fell and hit the yellow tinted paper making a small indentation darken in a circle as another tear fell from Faye's eyes, her breath hitching in her throat.

"Please, Nylaa I can't do this! My baby, Something is wrong don't make me do this." Faye pleaded looking up at her older sister.

"I swear to god if you don't start writing, something really will be wrong with you. No shut up and do as I say. Someone is on there way to have a look at my baby."

So Faye did as told avoiding contact with the pistol that was aimed towards her.

"Good girl" as soon as the words left Nylaa's lips Faye was again doubled over in pain... For real this time.

And Faye did not understand why. At least she didn't want to. Her water hadn't broken and she's not due for several weeks so something's obviously wrong.
But much to her dismay, once the pain subsided she finished writing the letter that she was being forced to write.

Now came the harder part.

"Now you remember your lines. If you try anything you will get it. Just say what you were supposed to say don't try anything and smile for the camera and you will be fine."

Nylaa hit record on her camera aiming it at Faye with the pistol still raised in hand and aimed at her also.

"My name is Faye Elson... I've been in hiding for the past thirteen days. And I... I ki-
I can't do this Nylaa! Please don't make me do this!" Faye wanted so badly to do as Nylaa was saying but she knew she couldn't bring herself to do what she was making her do.

The anger was clearly evident as Nylaa slammed her camera down on the side table and marched up to Faye shoving the pistol in her face.

"Do it then Nylaa! We both know you won't... not while I'm carrying this baby inside of me. I don't have to do shit! Because you can't hurt me while I'm in this state you psychotic ass wont risk it!" Maybe it was the pain coursing through her body that was making Faye so irritable and ready to snap no matter the risk
or maybe she was just fed up but Faye knew one thing for sure and that was that she was done playing this cat and mouse game.

The police aren't coming this was all her, I know it. I'm done with her sick games and I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of knowing that I had high hopes of being rescued.
Faye didn't know the full extent of Nylaa's plan so having any hope
She had now seemed pointless.

What Faye wasn't expecting was for her face to go flying to the left as a stinging pain rang through the right side of her face.

Nylaa has hit her once again.

"Little sister if you ever talk to me like that again I'll-"

"You'll what? You'll what huh! Tell me what're you going to do? You gonna hit me again? Sleep with another man I love? Or maybe you'll just scribble down your poor little aggression and pity story in that little journal of yours. I somehow feel sorry for you. A girl who somehow never got enough attention so now she moves through life wallowing in her own shit because she think that her little sister is better-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Before Nylaa could even think about what she was doing, Faye was already slumped over knocked out from the repeated blows that Nylaa delivered to her face with the handle of the pistol.

She was out cold...
"See what you made me do? I told you not to talk to me like that!" And so Nylaa's words fell on deaf ears... or so it seemed.

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