Chapter Thirty One

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"Nylaa please, she needs a real doctor. Can't you see that. How're you so sure that the baby is okay? What because this chump told you so?
How do you even know if he is a good doctor huh?"
Adam's as scrambling trying to figure out a way to get this moving in a different direction.

As soon as those words left Adam's mouth however it had been obvious that he had offended this supposed doctor because he was aiming the gun up at Adam again.

"Jason calm down, as long as you can do what I need you to do then what he says doesn't matter now get over here and help me".

Jason let out a grunt and turned around to help Nylaa lift Faye and move her to what Adam assumed to be the bathroom.

"Come on lover boy!" Nylaa called out to Adam as thoughts of a plan began to work itself out in his head but he knew there was reasonable and logical plan that involve them leaving safely from this hell hole.

When he reached the bathroom he saw Jason lowering Faye's nearly limp body into a bathtub.

At least the tub is clean... the rest of the place looks filthy.
"We wouldn't want you to miss the birth of your child now would we Adam?"
Nylaa smirked before finishing
"After all this is the one time you'll be seeing my baby."

"God you're more stupid than I thought. It is too early for my baby to be born.'what're you going to do once she's born huh? My baby is going to need medical attention. Serious medical attention since the baby isn't dew for weeks from now"
Adam was clearly stressed at a loss as to what he could do to stop this. Especially with Faye being at risk.

"Don't worry we have that all figured out. Besides we don't have a choice your little girlfriend here has gone into early labor and she is clearly not in it enough to try to push. There is no stopping this"
Nylaa handed Jason a tray that held many blades after he had finished cleaning his hands.

"Nylaa please! Don't do this" Adam pleaded but it seemed as though it had fallen on deaf ears.

It became clear to Adam what he needed to do and he knew he needed to act fast.

He could see the gun tucked into Jason waist when he leaned over with the blade ready to make an incision on Faye who laid there almost lifeless looking.

So with that Adam lunged towards
Jason tackling him to the floor.
They immediately begin to throw blows at one another.
But that wasn't what Adam had been focused on.

He quickly tried to reach behind Jason for the gun but felt nothing.

Where is it? Adam thought frantically trying to reach for it again but still there was nothing.
He quickly looked around spotting a blade laying on the floor to his left.

He had had it in hand in less than a second and without thinking plunged it into his chest.

A loud groan sounds from Jason as his body slowly grows limp and Adam quickly rises to his feet as Jason lays on the floor with blood beginning to pool and fall from his lips.
At that very moment the sound of a gun cocking rings through the air making Adam freeze and look up at Nylaa who had the gun aimed right at him.

"Nylaa wa-"
His sentence was cut short when a loud ear piercing bang ring through the air.

Adam in shock slowly looked down toward his stomach where he had been feeling a burning white sensation course through his stomach and then the rest of his body.

He stared in shock as his once baby blue button up shirt began to bleed a deep red.
It felt as if everything had slowed around him.

That at least until her heard another bang and then everything went black.


"Now Ms. Elson said she didn't remember much since she was so out of it at the time. But you remember any of this taking place?"
Adam thought hard about what he had just heard but he couldn't recall any of it.

He felt in utter disbelief at the events that apparently took place.
Adam shook his head at a loss.

"We have ballistics and everything and it matches up with her statement as well. We also have Nylaa in custody. You sending me that text message may have just saved both Faye's life and your own.
Now we did find Nylaa's accomplis dead when arrived to the scene. Are you sure you don't recall any of this event?"

"Yes I am sure. I don't remember any of this".

"Alright well you have my number. If you remember anything please do give me a call and congratulations on becoming a father"
The detective give a small nod before leaving the room.

Adam wanted to take a moment to process everything but his heart wouldn't let him. He needed to see Faye and his child with his eyes to confirm that they're both okay after these chaotic events.

So with that he slowly tried to lift himself up out of the hospital bed hearing the pace of the beeping sounds beat faster as a pain surged through his abdomen.
He let out a loud groan before giving up letting out a breath.

Less than a second later there was a faint knock at the door before it slowly creaked open.

And suddenly just like that the once gaping and pain stricken hole he felt began to fill as the worry slowly melted away from him when his eyes layed upon his love.

He quickly tried to get up again but he soon reminded of his condition with he felt a white burning pain coursing through him.

"No please, don't get up"
Faye pleads as her mom pushes her closer towards Adam giving him a warm smile.

"Adam it's so good to finally see you awake. We've all been keeping the three of you in our prayers and so happy to see that God has answered them.... Well I better leave the two of you. If you need me I'll be right out there."
With that she locked Faye's chair into place and exited the room.

There had been a brief moment of silence beg Faye broke it with a loud sob as there eyes took in one another.

"I'm so sorry"
Faye sobbed out as tears slipped from her eyes.

"No baby, no please-"

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I am the reason you're in this condition."

"Come here... Faye please, none of this is your fault. God I wish I could hug you right now."

As soon he had finished his sentence Faye had slowly begun rising from the wheelchair that she had been.

"Faye no please I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Adam I am fine. The chair is just hospital policy." Faye gave a look of reassurance before slowly climbing into bed with Adam trying to be as cautious of his injuries as possible.

"Come here."
Adam wrapped his arms around Faye as her sobs continued.

"It's okay my love"

"How're you feeling? How is our little girl?"

"Oh she is so beautiful Adam. She's been getting stronger everyday and she has your eyes."

"She's strong like her mother then." Adam smiles wiping a tear from her cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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