Chapter Nine

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Days quickly turned into weeks for Faye. And much to her dismay everything around her was changing also.
She went from avoiding Adam at all cost to seeing him nearly every day, even when she did not want to. It was at the point where she started to feel bad because she felt like she was leading him on because she still did not know what to make of her feelings for him.

Her pregnancy was not helping the situation either. It seemed like her emotions had been all over the place.
Even now in this moment in her apartment, Adam had came over in the morning and hasn't left since and it is now nearing six in the evening.

"Adam don't you think that ya know you should be getting home now? Its just that it is starting to get late and all." Faye finally spoke up looking up at Adam as she sat with his arms wrapped around her.

"Oh you're tired of me aren't you?" Adam laugh staring down at Faye with a smirk on his face.

"No its not that its just that- I'm just sleepy and I need to get up early for work tomorrow. I kinda have a big meeting." Faye yawns unwrapping Adam's arms from around her.

"But its only six, are you feeling alright?" Adam furrows while checking the time on is phone.

"Yes, I am I'm just tired I promise."

"Okay, I'll get going but we still have a lot to talk about. Like you taking it easy tomorrow remember what the doctor said-" Adam began but Faye quickly held up her hand stopping him from continuing.

"Adam I know. And I got it, I promise I will take it easy. You told me this earlier. Besides, its not like I'm doing any heavy lifting or anything. If we're going to make this work I need you trust that I can handle it... Yes I am carrying your child but remember we were best friends first so you know me and you know I won't do anything that will jeopardize the health of our child." Faye says reassuringly a laying her hand on Adam shoulder making him relax.

"I know, and I'm sorry if I am being overbearing or anything I just worry a lot."

"Yes, and that's totally fine. Which is why when we talk about everything later we can figure this whole situation out and come up with a plan."

"Plan? Faye you're already around 17 weeks. And you're already starting to show. My offer is still on the table. I seriously think you should consider moving in with me. Especially, since in a few weeks it will be that time for you to go on leave."

"Adam we already talked about that. I'm not ready to just uproot my life and go live with you just because I am carrying your child. At the moment I am really enjoying living alone.
I like being independent and you already know that.
And like I had said before Adam we can talk about this all later. Can we do that? Can we please just talk about this later?"

Adam stares at Faye with a blank expression for a couple of seconds  before nodding his head.

"Yeah, alright I'll uhh let you get some sleep."
Adam said quietly as he began to make his way towards Faye's front door with Faye following close behind.

Adam had been out the door glances back flashing her quick smile before saying goodnight.

"Adam, wait" Faye spoke out as she leaned against her door frame.

Adam stopped turning around with a hopeful look on his face.


"Sunday dinner, with my parents. Don't forget, please. We'll talk Saturday how about I promise."
Adams face had turned back to his stoic expression as he nodded and and turned resuming his path walking away.

Faye let out a small sigh watching his retreating back.

He still has a nice ass. Faye thought to herself giggling before going inside and shutting her door.

"And then what? Honey it has been months. And I've seen the way he looks at you and you at him lately. You can't deny it."
Faye's colleague Alyssa laughed as she helped Faye place booklets around the large conference table.
"I'm not denying anything okay. I'm just not ready for a relationship like that-"

"Faye this is a bout William isn't it?" Alyssa question pausing leaning back against the table.
"What? No, this has nothing to do with him. In all honesty Alyssa you have no idea what's been going on in my life right now. William hasn't even crossed my mind in months."

"Sweetie, that's my point. After your engagement was broken off you spent it drinking and you don't even drink. And to top it off you slept with your best friend and now you're hiding and running away from your feelings for him." Alyssa furrows crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alyssa, I get your point but please we should be setting up for this meeting in five minutes. And this conversation has no place in the office. So can we please get back to work because this is a big meeting for the both of us and we need to nail it so."
Faye stated walking back over to her laptop.

Faye sat in her car staring at her steering wheel before her eyes fell onto her growing stomach.

She was stuck and she had absolutely no idea what to do.
This was all happening so fast. It had been Saturday in the blink of an eye.
Faye could feel her anxiety consuming her. This talk that she and Adam are supposed to have today has been something that she has been dreading for the past two days.

She couldn't even actually focus on her meeting yesterday because she couldn't stop the contemplation from endlessly racking her brain.

Faye's P. O. V.

"I got this." I say out loud doing the best I can to get myself to get out of my car.

I've been stalling long enough and if I wait here any longer Adam will either call me or come down to look for me.

Taking my purse I finally get out my car smoothing down the lavender sundress I'm wearing.
I really need to go shopping for some new clothes not be if my jeans fit me anymore.

Okay I got this. This conversation needs to happen and I need to be more open.

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