Chapter Nineteen

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"Mom!" Faye called out taking a second walk around the house confused on my why no one was home.
Maybe I should've called first...
Faye thought to herself as she stared out into the back yard of her parents house watching the tall grass sway in the wind.
But then the sudden slamming of the door made her quickly turn around.

It nearly scared her half to death.
That must be mom. Well maybe not mom that's probably dad; Mama don't like slamming doors.

"Hey dad, is that you?"
Faye's smile creeping back onto her face at the sudden excitement of finally seeing her dad after so long.

But again that smile quickly fell when she got no response back.

If not mom or dad, who the hell is in my parents house?
Fayes heart started racing.
Pregnancy brain has made her so paranoid about everything lately and this wasn't helping.
She couldn't tell if she was overreacting or if she was right to feel panicked about not hearing an answer.
Maybe it is her parents and they just didn't hear her. Should I call out to them again?
No definitely not I should leave the kitchen and hide somewhere till I know it's safe.

But what if it's just mom or dad and I'm just doing the most?
Faye's head was swarming with questions.
But then she remembered that she had her phone in hand and that a quick text to Adam wouldn't hurt.

I mean if this is all just me being paranoid it's nothing a call or text telling him that I'm okay, can't fix later on.

After sending the fastest text she's every typed in her life Faye shoves her phone in the waist band of her leggings and slowly starts retreating out of the kitchen.

But her steps were halted when she made eye contact with none other than William.

"William? What the hell are you doing in my parents house!"
Seeing him had completely surprised her at first but then that surprised feeling quickly turned into a feeling of annoyance.

Here William was, again looking like crap and like the carpet had been pulled up from under his ass.

"Faye, I-" William started but stopped himself from talking.
Faye looked at him with her brows raised while folding her arms over her belly narrowing her eyes at him.

"You what?"

"I'm looking for your sister. She saw that you were here on your families security system and came over immediately. Or at least she said she was.
Listen, she's not supposed to be over exerting herself she's due in less than 3 weeks. And she's supposed to be on bedrest. Is she not here?"
William's voice came out strained.
Seeing him like this was almost sad. He looked so pathetic. Faye felt pitty for him almost.
If he was telling the truth about being seduced by her sister than he just drew the short straw.

"No she's not, I've gone around the house twice trying to see if anyone is here and the house is empty."

All William did was nod and this is when Faye realized that his gaze was completely focused on her protruding belly. He hadn't taken his eyes off it.

"So how're you doing? With the pregnancy and all? You due soon?" William's tone seemed so genuine but Faye couldn't help but be completely annoyed by his sudden interest in her pregnancy.

"I'm great, my pregnancy is going good. I still have a couple of weeks to go."
Faye's tone had been so void of any emotion and it was clear she hadn't cared to make any conversation with him but William couldn't help but to press on.

"That's good, very good... I'm glad you're good... Faye can we talk about us?
I know I have no right to even ask such a thing but you're all I can think about. Especially as Nyhlaa's due date is approaching.
You're the one I'm supposed to be doing this with. It's supposed to be you and I that are getting ready to bring a child into the world.
And I know that I'm being selfish right now and that I need to respect Nyhlaa as she is the mother of my child but you're the woman I am in love with."

"Let's give us another go! Try this all again. But this time we be more honest with each other. We can raise our babies together. Your sister and Adam can be involved of course although, Adam will need to be put in check from time to time I'm sure. But once we let him know that you're mine and that we're together no matter what there will be nothing he can do about it.
I don't even care that the baby you're carrying isn't mine-"

Adam went full on into this topic before Faye was even able to respond to his question of talking about them.

"William! Just shut up! Just stop talking okay? Can you do that for me? Are you capable of doing that?...
Now for the last time, there is no 'us' and there never will be one again. Do you understand me?
And as for Adam, I am with him now and there is nothing you can do about it. I don't want to give anything that involves you another shot ever!
Now Nyhlaa is not here so you need to leave. Because I do not want you anywhere near me ever again."
It had went completely quiet after that for several seconds.
All William did was stare at Faye with pleading eyes but Faye however, wasn't phased in the slightest.

So William decided to withdraw his will power and fight for this another day.

"Have you tried looking in the loft upstairs?"
William asked retreating back to his pathetic demeanor.

But Faye's expression became one of question.
"What loft? My parents don't have a loft."

William sighs "I forget that you haven't been over here in months. They turned that attic into a loft and Nyhlaa has turned it into her hideout spo-"

William's words came to a abrupt holt when a loud bang sounded throughout the house and Faye nearly jumped out of her skin as she feels a warm wetness splash onto her face and other uncovered parts of her skin.  His body following the bang slumping to the floor in slow motion revealing Nyhlaa standing behind him. A loud ear peircing scream of terror sounds from Faye as her eyes lay trained on to the body that layer sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh my god!" Faye sobs out as her eyes scramble up towards where Nyhlaa stands with a smoking gun raised and pointed towards Faye as she wore a sinister like smile.

"Oh shut up, Faye there's no need for the theatrics. William's an asshole anyway."

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