Chapter Three

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I stood there with shock written all over my face. But then, after that it was disgust and I felt the anger creeping over me.

I was so distracted I did not even bother, to pull away from Faye.

The nerve of this asshole.

"W-why are you here?" Faye's voice rings out snapping me out of my scowl.

And instead of removing my arms from around Faye I tightened my grip around her.

"William?" Faye continues making me to turn towards her to find a look of hate in her eyes. I even noticed that her tone had changed.

Couldn't even cut the tension with a knife thats how bad it was in the room.
But, things only get worst when William began to laugh. Like an idiot at that.

"Wow, and I was beginning to feel a bit guilty but damn. What happened to waiting till marriage Faye?"

"She doesn't owe you an explanation not for anything. She doesn't owe you a damn thing. Now, she asked you a question. Why are you here?" I cut in finally finding my words anger washing over me.

This idiot was stupid enough to pass up Faye for her sister man he took a lot of steps down.

"I just wanted to return your key, Faye." He says but his voice comes out as if both hurt and jealousy in one.

He hold up a key before walking towards us with his hand out dangling the key in front of her.

Reaching out Faye quickly snatches the key from his hand not removing herself from me.
"Faye, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?... Alone?" He says looking directly at her trying to find her eyes but she wouldn't look at him.

It was a long and quite pause before Faye finally looked up at him.
"Whatever, you have to say to me you can say it right here. Otherwise, if not then it's not worth me hearing it." She replies shifting from one foot to an other.
While, I softly rubbed my hand up and down her back to calm her.

"All of this, with me and your sister it was a mistake at first. I'm going tell you why I choose your sister but please just hear me out."

"Get to the point William."
Faye cuts in causing me to crack a smile trying to mask my laughter.

"I was drunk, it was after one of our arguments. I was angry. And I saw your sister she wouldn't take no for an answer.
So, one thing led to another and I woke up in her bed.
Faye, you don't know how sorry I am. I was roped into bed with her every time. I couldn't tell her no. It just wouldn't stop and eventually it turned into a full blown affair. And by then it was way out of my control -"

"Out of your control?! You have a choice in everything you do.-"
"Faye you don't understand, she was blackmailing me!" He interrupts her raising his hands on defeat.

"With what?! What did she have on you that was so bad? Why didn't you just -" she shouts as I watch her and William very closely especially him.

"Because, she's pregnant and it's mine!" William blurts out as his face turns as red as a tomato.

Faye's P. O. V.

I couldn't move. I couldn't even blink. The room got extremely quite. No words being said. I felt like all the attention was on me. Like they were waotong on my next move.

"Faye please, say something." William pleads making me look at him once again getting the heart wreching feeling.

But, I don't even know what to say. For once in a long time I am completely speechless.

Sleeping with my sister is one thing but getting her pregnant that's a whole nother story. That I am not willing to stand around and hear.

I hadn't even realised that I am shaking my head. But, when I looked up at him I couldn't control the words that flew out of my mouth.

"Get out!" Even though, this isn't what I really wanted to say, it's too late now. "I want you to leave!"

I don't understand, why he is telling me this. He has chosen my sister over me. Which means, we are officially done. No wedding, no nothing. Why does he feel the need to tell me all this and act all sincere and heart broken. Like he was the one who was done wrong.

Its like break ups are wake up calls. I've never realized how much of a coward, william is. Not to mention, he is also, a selfish asshole.

Yes, I still love him. But it took, him cheating on me to realize that I am not in love with him.

"Faye, Please!" He pleads bringing my focus back on him.
I found myself pulling out of Adam's arms. But, I ignored the empty feeling I got when I left his arms. And I looked Will in his eyes. Eyes that I used to find so comforting and made me feel safe.

"You have all your things. You've returned my key. There is really no reason, for you to be here now. I don't want to hear your sob story, about how sorry you are. I just want you to get out. Dont think about asking for forgiveness because you won't get it.
Neither of you ever will. Not even my sister and she's blood so why the hell would forgive you if not her. You will always remain and be remembered as just an Ex. So, get the hell out. Because right now I'll either call the police or I'll let Adam here handle you. Because as you can see he is itching to get at you." I find myself smiling before finishing off and making my way back to my room.

Finally, inside I shut my door. And lean up against it, hearing both their strong voice through the door.

I let, the long drastic sigh escape from my mouth. Running my hands over my face.
The things I just said... I don't even believe them myself.

My sister. Pregnant? With me fia- ex fiancé's baby.

I couldn't help it. I just found myself continuously laughing. I couldn't stop. I just knew it, everything was just too perfect.

But honestly, that wasn't the main thing that stuck in my head. I couldn't stop, thinking about, last night.

I didn't want to think about it but... I could still feel his lips. He soft full pink lips.
And that questions that were burning in my mind.

What does, last night mean?
Did I just give, my virginity to my best friend?
What are these feeling for him, that I am now suddenly feeling?
Do I have, feelings for my best friend?

Adam's P. O. V.

I stared at him. Expresionless. Nothing, he hadn't said a word since Faye, left.
Hadn't, even moved.

"I believe, she said to get out. And you're still here. She did give me permission to kick your ass. But I want to give you a chance, to leave on your own." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

But he just, stood there.
I honestly don't know, what Faye saw in this bitch. Him going after, her sister was just one of his biggest fuck ups.

"you're so arrogant, you know that? You know when Faye introduced me to you. I just knew you were hiding something from her. Who would've thought that it was just a big ole crush. Well, congratulations. Your dreams have come true."

"Tell me, Adam. Was it easy? Was she easy? Did you have to beg? Or did she just give up, her virginity like the whore she secretly is? Or was she even a virgin like the prude she claimed to be from the beginning?" He grinned. He was trying to get a rise out of me. And he was. He is trying and he sure as hell will get one.

What he just said, had just made me so angry. How could you talk so poorly about a woman that you claim to have been in love with. Even if he wasn't, no man, should ever talk about another female like that.

I was heated. Staring at him was just making me hot in anger.
But I honestly, couldn't help myself, as I doubled over in laughter.

Not a humorous laugh, but out of pure anger.
Mainly, towards myself. I've known Faye more than half my life. And couldn't gather up the courage to tell her, that I am secretly in love with her.

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