Chapter Eighteen

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Adam's P. O. V.

"Good morning" I can't stop the grin that spreads across my face when Faye's comes walking into the kitchen with one of my white college T's.
Seeing her in this way sort of surprised me a little.
I know we've slept together before, I mean that's what initiated all of this.
But seeing her like this now... it just feels different. The room feels so much lighter.

"Good morning"
And there goes that beautiful smile that's been the entire light of my life since I've met her.

"How'd you sleep?"
I turn back around flipping a pancake that was seconds away from burning.

I felt warm soft hands smooth around wrap around my waist seconds later.

"I'd say I slept pretty good. I don't think that I've slept that good since... well ever in all seriousness."
I can just hear her smiling through her words.
At least she's not facing me right now. Because if she was she'd see me cheesing and blushing like a school boy talking to his crush.

"I'm glad to hear that believe me, but there is something important I need to talk to you about first and foremost."
"Well I'm all ears once you hand me a plate... sorry I'm starving and eating for two isn't helping."
Understandable, I should probably feed her before I start this conversation anyway. I'd rather not try and do this with a hangry Faye.

"Alright, about two or so weeks ago I got a call from work about signing this client and... well I'm gonna be honest, it's huge this is probably the biggest contract I've ever negotiated. This is-"
I could feel my heart racing about how excited I am for this but that all came to a pause when I looked back over at Faye who had a glum look on her beautiful face.

"What? What's wrong? Is it the food ?" I couldn't help but ask when I noticed she was now just pushing the food around in her plate.

"No no the food is great. But... so that means you're leaving right?
Big contract means traveling. How's that even going to work anyway?
I mean don't get me wrong I'm thrilled about this I mean I've experienced the big contract deals with you before so I know when you say huge you mean it.
But Adam, I'm seriously concerned about your safety. Is this a contract you need to travel for or will it be over like zoom?"
If I'm being completely honest I hadn't expected Faye to be so quick with these questions but thankfully I already discussed this with my boss.

"I've got the all figured out Faye don't worry. I'll fly there quarantine for the seven days, handle the negotiation, then fly back quarantine again, and then I'm home free.
I'll only be gone for about two weeks you won't even know I'm not here."

I'm trying to get all this out while giving her my best reassuring smile
but it's obvious that she's not going for it and I completely understand why.

"But what if you get sick? What if you get sick and I'm here all alone while you're stuck suffering. Adam it's too dangerous to be traveling right now." Despite my previous words it is also very evident that Faye is worried and
again, understandably she is because me doing this is a huge risk.

"I'm not going to leave you here alone Faye, I was thinking maybe you could stay with your parents. I know your mom would happy to finally see you too. She's been calling nonstop." 
And by the look on her face now it is clear that that isn't going to happen.

"Nope! Nyhlaa's been staying over there. The last thing I want is to be stuck over there with her and I doubt my parents want two very pregnant women over there ready to bite each other's heads off."
It all can be seen in the eye roll and the body language that Faye wasn't budging on this but what's the harm in trying.

"Actually, she's not. I talked to your mom yesterday and she said that Nyhlaa is back at her place getting ready for... her child."
Well her mom said that and she left due to Mama El and her getting into a huge argument about her and William I guess.
But I digress, there's no need to mention that to Faye.

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