Chapter Eight

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"Ya know I'm really not that hungry. Can you just drop me off at my apartment?" Faye rushed out as the awkwardness was looming throughout Adam's truck.

Adam let out a small chuckle taking note of her sudden burst of nervousness.
"Faye, relax alright I promise you I just want to talk about everything I'm not trying to kidnap you or anything" Adam laughed showing off his pearly white making Faye's heart flutter.

Unable to find her words Faye only nodded her head in response before looking out her window watching the mountains of San Bernardino pass by.

"I have a feeling I already know what you're going to say but what do you want to eat?" Adam speaks breaking the silence that had settled in the car.
Faye furrowed her brows looking over at Adam before letting out a small chuckle.
"And what exactly am I going to say?" Faye smiled making Adam take a quickie glance at her taking in her bright smile that could bring a smile to anyone's face.

"In-n-out of course, you-" Adam answered in a knowing tone.
"Blah blah blah. You say that every time. I actually don't want that." Faye mumbles crossing her arms over her chest.
"Okay then where to?"

"I don't know you pick." Faye shrugs continuing to stare outta the window avoiding the eyes she felt gazing at her turned head.

"You're really difficult you know that?"


"So whats the plan?" Adam smiles looking up at Faye while popping a fry into his mouth.

"Plan?" Faye furrows finally making complete eye contact with Adam for the first time since they even sat and and started eating their meals.

"Well ya know, where exactly do we go from here? What do we do now? I mean I know you like taking things slow and like you said earlier about how your life isn't going exactly as you you had envisioned months ago-"

"Hold on I'm going to stop you right there. Yes, I may have said that but that means nothing to me now there is absolutely no point in dwelling on the past. We just have to move forward here and figure out what we're going to do. We can't just think of ourselves, now we have a child in the mix also so. And I'm more so directing all what I just said towards myself because I know I need to get it together. And it starts with you."

Adam's looked up at Faye with his brows furrowed waiting for her to continue.

"I need to be completely honest with you... Yes, I am carrying your child. Am I ready for a relationship with you where we're more than just best friends? I don't know. Even though I know that that is what you want and need from me." Faye says wiping her hands with a napkin.

"Faye, I do want what you said, yes. But I understand if you're not ready for that yet. I've waited this long for you. So I'm pretty sure I can wait a little while longer until you're ready-"
Adam say up pushing what's left of his food to the side and clasping his hands in front of him.

"Adam that's the thing you shouldn't have to wait for me. I don't want to be the one holding you back from moving on and fin-"
It had been starting to seem like them cutting each other off was the normal thing at this point and anyone who walked by or glanced their way could see that they were at odds and that Adam was having a hard time trying to get his point across.

Adam grimaced at Faye's words followed by a scoff as he stared at Faye in disbelief.
"You're kidding, right?"
Adam's words were followed by silence on Faye's part her not sure if she respond to him unsure if he was actually asking her a question.

"No, seriously Faye you've got to just be fucking with me at this point. You said it yourself you're carrying my child we're already more than just best friends now rather you like it or not I'm just saying."

"Oh and you're talking to me about holding me back and how you want me to move on well where was that back in high school and up until a few weeks ago in your apartment? Because all I've been doing for all this time is waiting for you. No it's not exactly your fault that I was waiting because you didn't know but come on literally everyone knows how I feel about you. How could you possibly be the only one that doesn't see it huh?"
The frustration was now clearly written all over his face.

"Adam I know that now okay and I am really sorry about that. I should've paid more attention I guess. But that changes nothing I know you have feelings for me, do I feel the same way? I don't know. Adam I don't know and I am probably not going to know for a while. But what I do know is that, you're my best friend, and we're having a child together. Isn't that enough for you for now?"

Silence enveloped the two as they now just stared at each other. Other than their surroundings at least but even with that time had seemed to just stopped as they sat holding each other's eye contact not daring to break it.

"Look all I'm saying is that I don't want to let you go. I know you felt something that night when we were together and twice after that. Don't throw away what could be good because you're scared. You and I both know I am nothing like a certain prick who's name I won't bother to mention. For a long time you were the only thing that really mattered to me." Adam pauses looking away from Faye before looking back down at her with a pained expression on his face.

"And now all that matter to me is you and my child that you're carrying."

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