Chapter Eleven

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It was so quite a pin could drop and everyone would hear it.
That is until Nyhlaa decided to open her mouth.

"Looks like mommy and daddy's little princess isn't so perfect after all" she laughs folding her arms over her chest.

"That is enough Nyhlaa! I don't want to hear another word from you!" Their father was angry and it was clearly visible.

"Now you two are sisters! There is no way you two should ever and I mean ever be talking to each other like that." Their mom stared sternly at the both of them earning an eye roll from Nyhlaa.

"Mom I'm sorry but I don't give a damn. She stopped being my sister the minute she went and betrayed me like that. She stopped the second the thought even crossed her demented ass mind." Faye rose from her seat the second the words left her lips.

"Come on, Adam I-"

"Faye Sit down!" Her dad says with a raised brow making Faye take her seat again.

"Don't think I didn't hear you Faye. Now if I am not mistaken I know I asked you a question."

"Are you or are you not pregnant?"
Faye stared with a unreadable expressing on her face.

"Oh good lord" she heard her mom mumble under her breath.

"And who is the father? William?" Her Dad said looking over towards William who had been quiet this entire time.

"Oh daddy no, don't be silly. Isn't it obvious he's sitting right next to her of course." Nyhlaa laughs sitting back and clasping her hands together.

"Bitch you love being in my business don't you? Why don't you go find your own. Or go steal some that's what your trifling ass is good for." Faye shoots back looking her sister up and down in disgust.
"Bitch I-"

"Nyhlaa, what the hell did I just say! Both of you stop it acting like spo-"
Their father began but Faye had had enough and was quick to cut him off.

"Oh my good what do y'all expect huh? For me to ignore what she done and go off to the sunset holding hands or something? I have every right not to want to make nice with this bitch. And yes I mean bitch! Let's not play and pretend Blige she hasn't been trying to sabotage me and been praying on my downfall since I was in the womb. So excuse me, but I am way past the forgiving stage it isn't ever gonna happen.
And if that what y'all had planned for tonight then you're in for some grave disappointment."

Faye finally finished off pulling her sweater back on.
The room fell silent for minutes after that. Everyone waiting for someone to make a move to break it.

"Faye your father and I need to talk to you in the kitchen alone for a minute." Faye's mom says before getting up and heading towards the kitchen not waiting for a response.

Letting out a sigh Faye gets up and follows and her father close behind.

Once in the kitchen both her mom and dad stared at her as if she was a kid again she had misbehaved in class again.

"Is what Nyhlaa's saying really true? Are you really pregnant with Adam's child?"

"Yes, are y'all mad at me?" Faye speaks up her expression softening feeling her anger leaving her.

"Oh honey, no of course not. Right, Michael?" Her mom furrows pulling Faye into a hug. Before noticing her husband's rigid stance and how he had not moved.

Michael quickly cleared his throat before nodding his head.

"Yeah, yeah we aren't Faye" He says with a dazed look.

"But Faye how did you let this happen? You know better. How long has this with Adam been going on? Faye you're only twenty four year old how can you even be ready for a child right now?"

"I don't know dad it just happened. It's all very complicated and it wasn't even really like that. It was kinda like a one time thing."

"Dad I have no idea what I am even doing and your questions are not helping."

"Well Faye this is something you should think about long and hard about. This isn't just you anymore, there is a life growing inside of you-"

"You don't think I know that dad?-"
By now it was pretty obvious that this was going to be a never ending round of them cutting each other off.

"Well then how far along are you? I mean it's still early, you still have time to consider you options ri-"

"Michael Elson! Don't even think about finishing that sentence-"

"Dad you're kidding right? I am not a teenager anymore I am a grown woman. I can make my own decisions."

"Angela let me speak. Faye yes you're definitely a grown woman but yet you're not acting like one. You don't see how irresponsible this is . How irresponsible you're being?" Faye's dad furrows crossing his arms.

The tension in the room or the whole house even, was extremely high.

"Ya know what I don't need this. Bye mom thanks but no thanks for dinner talk soon." Faye mumbles before quickly leaving the kitchen going to the dining room where it say extremely silent.

A word had obviously not been said since they had left the room.

To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

"Adam, we're leaving let's go." Faye saying not even stopping and continuing on her path towards the door.

"Faye, wait please don't leave like this."
Faye's mom pleads trails behind her mom close on her face along with Adam.

"Momma please, I'll talk to you soon I promise. I just need to get out of her I'm sorry."

In seconds Faye has been in-front of Adam's truck climbing inside.


They had been on the road for at least ten minute by now and neither of them had said a word.

Faye's mind was plagued with endless thoughts. She just couldn't get out of her head.

"Are you alright?"

Faye only looked at him.
Her eyes narrowed and all.

This making Adam glance over at her before looking back to the road.

"I'm sorry was that a stupid question? It was wasn't it?" Adam says more to himself than Faye.
"No no it wasn't, I'm fine I promise. Can we just not talk right now. I've had enough of talking today"

"Yeah, of course" Adam nods putting his sole focus back onto the street.

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