41. Worry

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Gabe's POV

"Oh, you're back so soon," Casey hummed as he turned over onto his stomach on my bed. "I thought you and Parker were showering together. He's upset, isn't he? Does he not want to do that anymore?"

I frowned and shook my head as I closed my bedroom door. "I didn't want to."

"What? But I thought you liked him," the small redhead mumbled.

"That's why I didn't want to. He called me a secret admirer today and I didn't feel right agreeing to be practically naked with him. If I had gone ahead and showered with him I'd feel guilty. Like I'm using his sadness to my benefit or something. I don't want him to think that I'm using him. I don't want him to think of me as anything more than his best friend."

"But...don't you think that avoiding his therapy showers with you and stuff is going to make it clearer that you like him? Parker's smart, right? It'll only be a matter of time until he asks you how you really feel about him."

"I think he was going to ask me today. He sounded really curious and careful in his tone. Like he had a strong feeling he was right but he didn't want to offend me if he was wrong," I mentioned. "I didn't let him ask me anything though. I cut him off and told him to change the conversation."

"Gabe~," my boyfriend purred as he sat up onto his knees. I stared at his bright pink nipples and perfectly freckled pale skin while he gave me a soft lecture about expressing my feelings, and I couldn't stop myself from crawling over him and creating hickies on his chest.

"If you're falling in love with him, you need to tell him," the twenty-six-year-old moaned.

"I'm in love with you, Casey."

"And Parker. You want both of us," he whispered before gasping. My cheeks warmed up as an imagination of Parker sharing Casey with me ran through my mind. "But he's in love with Gyorgy only," I muttered.

"So? Parker's in love with Gyorgy and he still kissed other people. Didn't he date CJ when you guys first visited us?"

"Who the fuck is CJ," I mumbled as I pinched my boyfriend's nipples.

"Ughhh~," the redhead moaned as he gripped my hair. "You remember my boss's son? CJ, the short guy that was all over Parker. He kept walking in on us to ask you where he was all the time."

"Ohhh, CJ... Yeah, but he's short and small. That's Parker's type to mess with," I scoffed before licking my boyfriend's chest. "He doesn't often mess with big guys."

"I think you should talk to him. Tell him how you feel because you're not just crushing on him anymore. The way you were when you first met him and the way you are now...it's scary how different you are. You're closing him out but still being possessive of him. It's going to make him confused and it could ruin your friendship if you don't confess soon."

"What if my confession ruins our friendship? What if he feels like he can't trust me or my word as much because I'm biased?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What if he doesn't trust me enough to help him out with Gyorgy anymore? It's not like I don't want them to get together. I really do because I know that Gyorgy agreeing to date Parker will be the best day of their lives...."

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