13. Reunion Party

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Gyorgy's POV

"Who was that," Sandy asked me softly while stroking my face. I stuttered and shook my head—I hadn't brought up Parker or our situation to her once. I didn't feel obligated to when we first met, and I didn't now.

"He's a friend," I said simply. "He's just... We haven't seen each other in a while and we got into an argument last time we spoke with each other. I guess he's still a little mad."

"But...he said he was in love with you... And he looked devastated when he saw us kissing, Gyorgy... Did you guys used to date? I thought you were straight," Sandy whispered.

"I am. He and I never dated. He's just— I just need to talk to him at some point."

"Should you talk to him now?"

I shrugged. "I dunno... No. I need to talk to Casey—"

"The gay roommate..." Sandy mumbled as if she were putting two and two together.

"You think because I live with a gay guy and I have a male friend that's infatuated with me, I must be gay?"

"I didn't say that, Gyo-Gyo. I'm just thinking," my girlfriend said softly. I rolled my eyes and walked away to find my roommate, and soon he ran into my chest.

"Gabe's here! He was just talking to me and he was so beautiful and I feel like such a per—"

I clapped my hand over Casey's sobbing mouth and led him to the backroom.

"I feel so dirty," he bawled upon me removing my hand from his mouth. "He was so beautiful and tall and muscular and his voice is so much deeper in person than on the phone~!"

Casey cried into my shirt and I sighed as I rubbed my hand over his back. "Parker saw me and Sandy kissing, and he shoved me when I tackled him and sat on top of him. He said we'd talk later when 'Cheeks' wasn't around."

Casey snorted and looked at me. "Sandy Cheeks. Classic," he sniffled as he wiped his eyes. "Gabe just told me that he still loved me and that he wouldn't stop pursuing me... And he said he could still fuck me better than anyone older than him could."


"The worst part is that he kissed me and I didn't fight it... Gyorgy, I loved it."

I sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and I thought about why Parker acted so angry with me. I mean, I understood that he hated the fact that I had a girlfriend, but I was being so welcoming to him... Unless...could he have heard me telling Casey about me not wanting him to visit?

I groaned and rubbed my face. "For fuck's sake..."

"We should invite them over for dinner, right?"

"Why do you think that's a good idea? Both of them are underage and borderline obsessed with us. If we let them in our apartment, who's to say they won't show up all the time to beg us to date them?"

Casey shrugged. "I dunno... I was just thinking... We need to talk to them."

Parker's POV

"I should text Casey and ask him if he could let us talk to him and Jose at their place."

"Gyorgy won't let it happen. He thinks I'm obsessed with him—which I am—and he knows that I would show up and annoy him everyday with my confessions and gifts," I grumbled as Gabe drove us to Damien's sister's apartment.

Upon arriving, I knocked, and Sasha damn-near ripped the door off its hinges to greet me and Gabe.

"AHHHHH! LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE ALL GROWN UP! COME IN!" She giggled as she pulled us inside. "Why do you guys seem so glum?"

"Casey won't take me back and Jenny has a girlfriend," Gabe grumbled as he sulked into the kitchen.

"Jenny?" Sasha questioned, giving me a puzzled look.

"Gyorgy," I corrected.

"Ohh, I see... Well... Tch! Don't worry about that! Take some time to stop thinking about them and make yourselves at home!"

"Can't. We came here specifically to worry about them and get with them," I grumbled.

"Yeah. We need to talk to them, but Parker says that Josie won't let us go over to his place," Gabe added.

"Gyorgy," I corrected again.

Sasha frowned and crossed her arms. "Fuckin' Gyorgy..." she said under her breath. "I've had a bone to pick with him since he refused to visit you, Damien, and Vaughn when you guys were in the hospital. But me and his roommate Casey are friends. He's a close cousin of my best friend Tricia."

"Ahh~," Gabe mumbled, moping as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"If you guys need to talk them, I can set up a little party. I'll invite Gyorgy and Casey and a bunch of people from my major, and Tricia can bring a bunch of her friends. A reunion party to celebrate my little nephew~ and his friend visiting me! It'll be fun," Sasha beamed, standing on her toes while she pinched my cheek. "How's this Saturday?"

"Yes! Please! If you know for sure that Casey will show up!" Gabe answered quickly. "Yeah, if you know that Gyorgy will come, then as soon as you can would be great. And if you want us to get the snacks and stuff, Gabe and I will happily do so," I agreed.

"Of course they'll show! And yeah, we can all go shopping together! It's been so long since I've gone shopping with guys, I almost bought my boyfriend a brand new highlighter for his birthday," Sasha cackled. "I hang out with so many girly-girls, I'm clueless when it comes to what would make his jaw drop. Our year and a half anniversary is coming up, and I really need help."

Gabe and I looked at each other while Sasha continued to ramble on about how her boyfriend dressed and acted, and how he always said that he didn't want gifts but would always look excited whenever she got him one, but then disappointed when he opened it, and Gabe rubbed and stretched his face.

"Let's start off with his name," I suggested. "What is it?"

"Oh! It's Darwin," she chuckled. "He's this 6'1 guy with silky smooth dark skin and dark, scary eyes that just melt your heart whenever he stares into yours..." Sasha seemed to zone out as she thought about her boyfriend and Gabe smiled when she did.

"Alright. We'll find something for him. You just stay here and set up the party, and we'll text you if we need help finding something for Darwin, okay," I said before pressing a small peck to her cheek.

Gabe did the same and thanked her for letting us stay with her, and then we left her apartment to go find a gift for her and her boyfriend.


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