50. Everything For You

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Gyorgy's POV

"I don't want to ruin Parker..."

"But you want him to ruin you. So let him."

Gabe was right. I needed to let Parker have me however he wanted without fighting him. He was spot-on about our relationship being toxic and how badly we depended on each other for happiness just as much as frustration. Loving Parker had always been something I'd done, and although it had only just recently become romantic, I needed to embrace my new feelings and appreciate that he was old enough to see and accept them. It'd just been scary to do that because of how eagerly and early on he accepted my feelings before I could even fully understand them myself.

I sighed and nodded, and Gabe hummed while brushing a few hairs from my eyes with his fingers. "Then, you're ready to be with him?"

Wiping my remaining tears, I agreed and the muscular Korean man lifted me off the bed and onto my feet. "Stay right here," he instructed before stepping towards the bathroom door. With a couple of knocks, he cracked open the wooden surface and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Only seconds had passed before the shower had stopped and muffled voices began warbling back and forth. Then, the door opened again and I jumped, thrown aback by Parker's hard, steaming wet figure—wearing only a beige towel very loosely wrapped around his lower waist.

"I told you not to come out," he groused, immediately making my bottom lip quiver.

I nodded and rushed my gaze onto the floor between my feet, hoping to not further make him angry by staring at his body. "I know, but...I really wanted to see you again," I said softly, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I know you didn't want to see me for the rest of the day, but I just... I'm really sorry. I know my abrupt leaving was hard on you and I didn't— I shouldn't have mocked you for that. You were so young and vulnerable when I left, and I don't know why I tried to invalidate your feelings but I know now that that was an asshole move and I'll never ever do it again," I rambled. "I'm not ready to go back to Seattle. I'm not ready to accept the end of us—as selfish as that may be. At least, I won't go back without telling you that I am in love with you and that I need you. Really, I do—to see you, hear you, feel you. I need you a thousand times, day and night, yesterday and tomorrow—year round, I need you, Park. You reminded me of myself when you were young so I loved the idea of protecting you... But, now seeing how much better you are than I am, I love the idea of you protecting me. You're so much stronger and smarter, and I adore you for your growth and maturity. You went from being my little guy to my...fantasy man."

I glanced up at Parker and almost shuddered when I saw how much closer he was standing to me; he hadn't made a sound and was now towering over me, his wet chest just inches away from my face. "Look Gyorgy, that's sweet and all, but I'm done talking. We've had too many conversations like this where you say you'll act or feel one way but then switch up as soon I make a move. Thanks for the apology, but I will not be hearing you out anymore. Please leave."

I paused, shocked that he wouldn't give me another chance, before shaking my head. "No. I'm serious... I need you, Par—"

"That's enough."

"I'll do anything for you."

"Step out of this room, then."

"Anything but that. If you really want me out you'll have to force me. I'm not moving an inch unless y— Ah!" I gasped when Parker gripped my biceps and ushered me towards the door.

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