offender x shy male reader fluff

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offender walked down the lonely roads to his boyfriends house, he got to the house and knocked on the door, a few seconds later a small slim man opened the door smiling "hey offendy" he said before dragging offender into the house.

after they ate offender was laying on the sofa half asleep with the tv on and y/n laying on his chest also half asleep, they were wrapped in a blanket and the fire was only burning embers "offendy" y/n mumbled sitting up a bit and looking up at offender, he hummed "I'm pregnant" y/n said, offender snapped his head up to look at y/n "pregnant? but how?" he asked confused as he sat up "do I have to explain sex to you" y/n sighed giving offender a 'really' look "ok, how far along are you?" he asked wrapping his long arms around y/n's waist "two months" y/n said, offender smiled and hugged y/n "that means its strong and should survive" offender said rubbing y/n's stomach making him smile and hug back.

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