jeff x cannibal male reader

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"Jeff" k/n (killer name) shouted, ej saw Jeff run upstairs then a door slammed shut.

"Y-y/n, calm down, it's was only a heart" Jeff nervously laughed as y/n caged him against the wall "that was my dinner jeff" y/n said lowly in Jeff's ear, he bit his lip and looked away, y/n chuckled "I guess I'll have something better" he mumbled before he kissed down Jeff's neck, he groaned and grabbed y/n's f/c (favourite colour) hoodie "y-y/n not today" Jeff breathed as y/n ripped off his hoodie and trailed kisses down his pale chest, Jeff felt his jeans being pulled off then he was thrown onto the bed "y/n-" Jeff stopped as y/n pulled his own top and jeans off "fuck" Jeff breathed as y/n crawled on top of him "consider this...punishment" he whispered in Jeff's ear as he tugged at Jeff's black boxers, Jeff moaned and ran his hands down y/n's six pack "fine, you win, just stop teasing and fuck me" Jeff growled, y/n smirked then ripped Jeff's boxers off and pushed three fingers into him then attached his mouth to Jeff's nipples, he arched his back and bucked his hips trying to get more pleasure from y/n's fingers.

After a few minuets y/n pulled his fingers out and took his boxers off, Jeff let out a breath and panted as he knew what was to come, y/n pulled Jeff's legs around his waist and slid the tip in, Jeff inhailed sharply and dug his nails into y/n's s/c (skin colour) back drawing blood, he slid the rest of the way in and waited "fuck, so tight" y/n groaned, Jeff ran his hand up to y/n's neck and tugged on the back of his h/c hair as a sign to move, y/n slowly started thrusting, Jeff gasped and moaned as y/n got harder "y/n faster please" he moaned clawing at y/n's back, he groaned but sped up his thrusts, Jeff's eyes widened and he moaned louder as he bounced with every thrust "y/n I can't hold it" he shouted as he panted and their bodies were covered in a thin layer of sweat "y/n" Jeff shouted as he came on his chest, y/n groaned then came inside Jeff making his eyes roll back then close, y/n smiled as he pulled out and lay next to Jeff "I fucking h-hate you" Jeff breathed as y/n pulled him against his chest "yeah I hate you too" y/n mumbled.


"Damn, oi Devin I need another round" Alex shouted, devin looked up then gasped as Alex carried him off.
"Oh god" Ej sighed "no comment" hoodie mumbled "hay Alex let me join" offender shouted running after Alex and devin.

Hope you guys enjoyed next will be slender x seme male reader.

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