Ben x male reader - drugs

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Ben lay on the floor in y/n's house as he lay on the sofa, "dude, I'm higher then my celling" y/n mumbled, Ben sat up then smirked "high enough to kiss me?" He asked, y/n moved his arm off of his face and got ben's lips smashed into his own, his eyes widened but slowly closed as he kissed back "ben" he mumbled as Ben pulled back and blushed "s-sorry y/n" he said, y/n rolled his eyes and pulled Ben on top of him and kissed him again, this time Ben was shocked, they both separated for air and y/n pulled his packet of fags out of his pocket and put one in his mouth "really y/n" Ben whined "I'm craving Ben, can't help it" y/n chuckled before he lit the fag, Ben sighed then lay on y/n's chest "imma sleep here" Ben mumbled before he passed out, y/n chuckled as he blew out smoke "love you too ya crazy glitch" he said.

Sorry it's short I have been running out of ideas.

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