dark x mute cannibal male reader

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Dark sat on his throne with y/n laying beside him chewing on a bone, "why do I keep you around?" Dark mumbled playing with y/n's h/c hair, y/n looked up at dark and tilted his head making dark sigh, y/n suddenly sat up and growled at the door as one of darks maids walked in "sir your brother has left, would you like me to clean the guest room he was staying in?" She asked, dark pat y/n's head "yes" he said, the maid bowed and walked off, y/n stopped growling and went back to chewing on his bone "here" dark said throwing a bone with meat on it across the room, y/n caught it then teleported so he was crouching next to darks throne as he ate it.

Dark stood up and y/n looked at him "come on then" he said, y/n stood up and followed dark to his room, "you can sleep on the floor tonight" dark mumbled, y/n pouted and gave dark the puppy eyes "aghh, fine" dark groaned as he took his armour off, y/n kissed darks cheek then sat cross legged on the bed, after dark was changed he sat on the bed "What was that for?" He asked, y/n shrugged his shoulders then grabbed darks face and kissed him, dark gasped giving y/n a chance to slip his tongue into darks mouth, dark melted into the kiss and kissed back "y/n" he breathed as they separated, y/n smiled then quickly pulled off darks night shirt and kissed down his chest "y/n, where's this going?" Dark breathed, y/n pulled his own top off and felt dark running his hands over his six pack "y/n, I think I love you" dark mumbled blushing and looking away, y/n smiled and kissed down darks ash gray skin, dark let out a breathy moan and tugged on y/n's h/c hair, y/n ran his tongue over one of darks nipples making him moan and arch his back a little as he held y/n's hair tighter, y/n moved his hands down to darks waist and used that to push dark flat on the bed then he pulled darks trousers off making him moan.

y/n sat up and looked at dark, he had a blush covering his gray cheeks and was panting with his arms above his head "pretty" y/n mumbled kissing down darks chest down to his v-line, dark sucked in a breath and pulled at y/n's trousers, he smirked and dark pushed him on his back and cut off his trousers with a knife before he kissed y/n's v-line, y/n groaned and dark pulled y/n's pants off "fuck, your so big" he breathed before running his tongue over y/n's 'master sword' y/n groaned and gripped the sheets as dark sucked on the tip and slowly started sucking more, y/n groaned and thrusted into darks mouth making him roll his eyes, after a few minuets y/n groaned and came in darks mouth, he pulled away then swallowed "so you, can talk" he panted, y/n shrugged and pinned dark to the bed on his stomach "only when I feed off sexual energy, but I don't like to talk much" y/n mumbled before he ripped darks boxers off with his claws and pushed two fingers into him, dark moaned and held onto the sheets as his blush darkened "y/n" he moaned as he pushed against y/n's fingers to get more pleasure, y/n pulled his fingers out making dark whine, dark turned over and looked at y/n "not gonna fit" he breathed, y/n smirked and put darks legs over his shoulders, he looked at dark for permission, he nodded and y/n slammed into him, dark arched his back and bit his lip as he clung to his sheets and turned his head away, y/n kissed over darks chest and waited for him to ajust, after a few minuets dark moved his hips and moaned, y/n took this as a sign to move, he started slowly thrusting, dark moaned and turned his head into the sheets "y/n faster" he said, y/n groaned and sped up "uh y/n, oh mother of-ah" dark cried out, y/n groaned and thrusted like a wild animal making dark bounce and cry out at the pleasure.

"Y/n" dark cried out before he arched his back and came on his chest, y/n groaned and after a few more thrusts he came inside dark, dark felt the Cum run down his thigh and collapsed breathing heavily "that was... new, and so good" dark breathed, y/n smiled and pulled out making dark moan, y/n lay next to dark and pulled him against his chest, dark nuzled into y/n's chest and panted "L-Love y-you dark" y/n mumbled, dark kissed y/n's neck "night love" he said before they almost instantly fell asleep.

That was long, but thanks for reading the next one will be updated soon, ~nightmare out~

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