Jeff x seme male shapeshifter

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Y/n groaned and turned onto his side, Jeff crawled through the window then closed the curtains "what's up with you?" He asked in his fed up 'tell me' tone, y/n growled and looked at Jeff from the corner of his eye, Jeff was standing with his arms crossed and was (mostly) frowning, he walked over and pushed y/n on his back and straddled him "what's going on?" He asked firmly, y/n stayed quiet and his e/c eyes followed his s/c hand as it slowly made its way up Jeff's leg, Jeff felt his heart speed up then he slapped y/n's hand away "no touching, you know you can only fuck your mate" Jeff said, y/n growled then pinned Jeff on his back making Jeff gasp "mine" y/n growled before roughly licking Jeff's neck "y/n" he breathed running his hands down y/n's bare chest and six-pack, y/n quickly pulled Jeff's hoodie off and roughly sank his teeth into Jeff's neck whilst grinding against him, Jeff cried out and dragged his nails down y/n's arms that were holding him up, y/n sat up and quickly undid Jeff's jeans making him groan "your in heat aren't you?" Jeff moaned as his jeans were pulled off "your my mate, I never told you because I didn't think you'd like me, but I need to claim you, now" y/n breathed as he massaged the bulge in Jeff's boxers making him jolt, he tugged on y/n's joggers, y/n sat up and pulled off his joggers reviling that he wasn't wearing any boxers, Jeff sat up and kissed y/n whilst pulling him down, y/n pulled Jeff's boxers off and lazily dropped them to the floor, jeff felt y/n's hand gently move down his body before he felt y/n's finger circle his entrance, Jeff relaxed a little and y/n shoved the finger in making Jeff pull away from the kiss to wince as y/n thrusted the finger in and out of him, he moved his mouth to Jeff's collar and kissed along it as he added another finger and started to scissor Jeff, Jeff moaned and held onto the hand that was inside of him, tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he let small whimpers and gasps of pleasure leave his lips, y/n pulled his fingers out making Jeff let out a breath then looked up at y/n biting his lip making y/n groan "please be gentle, I've never been fucked like this" Jeff mumbled, y/n nodded "I'll try. It's gonna hurt for a bit ok, just tell me when to move" y/n said huskily into Jeff's ear before he quickly shoved himselfinto Jeff, Jeff bit y/n's shoulder and dug his nails into y/n's back.

After a couple of minutes Jeff nodded "move" he breathed, y/n slowly started thrusting making Jeff whimper in pain "go faster, slow hurts" Jeff whimpered feeling y/n's hot breath on his skin, y/n sped up and groaned "fuck~" he breathed against Jeff's skin, Jeff moaned and dragged his nails down y/n's back creating long scratch marks, Jeff suddenly arched his back and cried out as y/n found his prostate, y/n smirked and continued to pound into that spot making Jeff moan louder as he sucked on his neck "fuck~ y/n I'm Cumming~" Jeff moaned, y/n groaned in acknowledgement before thrusting faster "y/n" Jeff moaned as he came on his abdomin, y/n buried his face in the crook of Jeff's neck and came inside him, Jeff lay back panting and covered in sweat, "if you had, told me, I was your, mate, I would have let, you claim me, sooner" Jeff managed to say as y/n pulled out "didn't want to say anything, you had a girlfriend at that time" y/n said back as he lay on his back next to Jeff, Jeff sighed and put his head on y/n's chest and his hand on the other side of his chest before he quickly fell asleep, y/n smiled and wrapped his arms around Jeff's small waist and slowly fell asleep.

Ok. I'm sorry this is late. But it's done now. This was also a request, so If any of you have any requests then just ask in the comments. Thanks. And also for those who read this and have subscribed to my YouTube, I am changing accounts but am waiting for a camera, so I won't upload on YouTube but i will tell everyone my new account and then you can subscribe to that one please. And if you haven't seen it, please go and watch it. It's me and some of my friends, the name is 'MONOCHROME' But you can also type that with 'my first video' and you will get the other videos. Enjoy.

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