eyeless jack x shy male reader

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Jack walked into his cabin to see a plate of kidneys on the kitchen side, Jack smiled and walked over, he took the plate and sat on the sofa with it and ate.

after he was done he saw a small blood trail leading into the bathroom, Jack sighed "y/n" he called, y/n who was a 5'8 muscular male walked out his and Jack's bedroom, he had h/c that was short and had some blood in it, "yeah?" he said slowly as he hid his obviously blood covered s/c hands behind himself, Jack sighed "go sit on the sofa, I'll get the med kit" Jack said walking off, y/n pulled his shirt off and sat on the sofa.

Jack walked back over and sighed, "how many times have I told you not to freeze the bodies in the bathtub." he said kneeling on the floor by y/n who smiled, Jack sighed "where did you get hurt?" he asked , y/n pointed to a stab wound in his stomach and then pointed to his right arm and left leg, Jack made a strangling motion with his hands before stitching up his boyfriend.

after he was done he stood up "i'll go get you something to eat" Jack said, y/n grabbed his arm and stood up, Jack looked over and was slowly pulled into the bedroom.

creepypasta x cannibal male readerWhere stories live. Discover now