slender x male reader part 2

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Slender sat up holding his stomach that had a huge bulge in it "Y/N, GET UP" slender shouted, y/n shot up, his h/c hair was a mess and he had drool running down his chin "wha-what?" He groaned "BABY'S COMING" slender shouted, y/n jumped up and quickly ran out of the room, he came back with Dr smiley and nurse Anne "y/n out" dr smiley said pushing y/n out of the room.

Y/n heard some muffled sounds of pain from slender and Anne's soft voice telling him to breathe, Ben and Jeff came out of their shared room "y/n, what's wrong?" Ben asked "the baby's coming" y/n breathed as he paced, Ben and Jeff looked at each other then they grabbed one of y/n's hands each and dragged him to the living room to play on the PlayStation to distract y/n.

After an hour y/n was standing outside his and slenders room and after another 30 minutes Anne opened the door "y/n, it's a boy, but-" she stopped making y/n's eyes fill with fear "slender didn't make it" she finished, y/n shook his head in disbelief and quickly walked into the room, slender lay on the bed, his pale skin looked even paler and was unmoving "sorry y/n" devin said, y/n's e/c eyes filled with black tears but he blinked them away and gently took his son, he had ash gray skin, but his eyes seemed to be doing there own thing, one was glowing ice blue and his right eye was glowing forest Green that were all black where the white was supposed to be, he had small pointy ears and wolf ears and a tail that matched his raven black hair "so the shapeshifter gene skipped me but not my son, good thing the ears will dissappear as you grow up" y/n mumbled "I think, I'll call you..." y/n stopped to think then saw a shadow slowly move across the floor like smoke and wrapped around the baby's hand before it slithered up his arm and swirled around his chest before it disappeared leaving a small triangle with a wolf howling in the middle over his left hand side, "shadow, I'll call you shadow" y/n mumbled smiling at shadow, he noticed that shadows chest wasn't moving but he was playing with y/n's finger "he mustn't breathe, or have a pulse, intreasting" y/n said chuckling as shadow played with y/n's fingers and laughed, after a few more minuets his eyes started falling and he quickly fell asleep in y/n's arms.

Y/n looked at slenders body and put his s/c hand on slenders chest "baby I know your not far gone, so I need you to come back to us, shadow and I need you, he needs his mother and I need you, so please, wake up, wake up slender wake up" y/n whispered as black tears fell down his face and landed on slenders chest....

"You named our son shadow?" Slender whispered so quietly that it was almost unheard, "yes, thank fuck your alive" y/n breathed kissing slenders head, he 'smiled' "now don't be teaching him your bad language, let me see him" slender said softly as he wiped y/n's tears away, y/n smiled and handed shadow over to slender who 'smiled' at the sleeping baby "he has the wolf gene, what colour eyes does he have?" He asked not looking up from shadow "well, he has green and blue eyes, and it's filled in black where the white is supposed to be and they glow" y/n replied softly as he lay on his back next to slender and kissed his head, slender lay his head on y/n's chest and closed his eyes "té amo mi amore" y/n mumbled as he also started falling asleep with his son and husband.

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