eyeless jack x cannibal male reader

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Jack sighed as y/n banged on the cage "you know you can't come out y/n, not until you regain enough control" jack said softly as he put his hand on the cage, y/n growled and tried to bite jacks hand but he pulled it away too fast, y/n growled and went to lay in a corner, jack sighed and threw some blood dripping meat into the cage and watched y/n savagely devour it.

Time skip to when reader is better.

Jack snuggled into y/n's bare muscular chest as they sat on the sofa "your so warm" jack mumbled as they sat on the sofa by the fire, y/n smiled and kissed down jacks neck making him moan softly, y/n pinned jack to the sofa and kissed up his neck, jack moaned and pushed on y/n's chest "y/n, not whilst your hungry" jack whimpered as he felt y/n biting at his neck, "y/n" jack breathed then he felt y/n bite into his shoulder, jack went to scream but y/n covered his mouth and chewed on the flesh, jack shook and black tar fell from his eyeless pits, y/n quickly got off of jack, he touched the blood on his lips then looked up at jack "don't worry y/n, go eat, I'll be fine just come back before the sun rises" jack mumbled, y/n staired at jack with wide eyes "go, I'll be fine y/n" jack said again, y/n stood up and quickly ran out of the house.

Time skip to when y/n comes back.

Y/n stumbled through the door with a stab wound in his stomach and leg, jack looked up "y/n" he said getting up and walking over to y/n, y/n's eyes widened and he looked away then stepped back, jack sighed and grabbed y/n by the ear and threw him on the sofa making him gasp and groan in pain, jack straddled his waist and pushed him down, y/n grabbed jacks hand and looked away "y/n, it wasn't your fault, and if you keep blaming yourself I'll chain you to the bed and tease you until you beg me to stop" jack said lowly, y/n looked away and let go of jacks hand so he could stitch him up and bandage his wounds.

"Sometimes I'm glad you can't speak, because that was probably painful considering you wouldn't let me use painkillers" jack sighed, y/n nodded weakly and looked at jack through his half closed e/c eyes, he had one leg hanging off the sofa, jack sighed and rested his head on y/n's chest "next time, don't hurt yourself so, much, I can't keep fucking you when your like this, with you being an incubass and a cannibal half breed, you know it drains me" jack mumbled almost falling off of y/n, y/n caught jack by the waist and pulled out before he lay with his back against the back of the sofa and pulled jack next to him and against his chest, jack weakly pulled at a gray blanket, y/n smiled and pulled the blanket over the two of them "L-Love y-you" y/n managed to say, jack gasped and turned around in y/n's arms "y-y/n you just-" jack said, y/n rolled his eyes then snuggled into jacks hair "guessing that's a one time thing?" Jack huffed, y/n nodded and gently ran his hands down jacks body making him moan "bad y/n" jack mumbled before he passed out.

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