Ben x male reader

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ben sat behind Y/n's tv screen watching him play a game, his f/c (favorite colour) thin fairy wings fluttered every few seconds and his tongue stuck out his lips a little as he was wearing a long red vest and short shorts "Y/n come eat" a woman called as she walked in the room having long red hair and bright blue eyes with pale skin and similar wings "Trixie" Y/n whined as he paused the game and looked over "no whining come on" she said as she walked out, Y/n huffed and brushed his h/c hair out of his face before he got up and followed her out the room, ben made sure Y/n was gone before he crawled out the tv and started looking around for things Y/n liked, he pulled the covers up and looked under the bed to find playboy magazines thrown under with a few sweet wrappers and a small box next to them, he sat up and looked towards the door before he pulled the box out and opened it seeing a few pictures with a few small bones tapped to each one, he pulled a few pictures out and turned them over to see a woman strapped to a chair crying with blood on her and what looked to be a few bites taken out of her, ben tilted his head a bit and turned over a few more seeing the same but with different women, ben put them back and pushed the box back under the bed before he heard footsteps coming back up the stairs, he went a little pale before he jumped back through the tv as Y/n walked in, he stopped and sniffed the air a bit before he looked around "flower you been in my room?" he called as he stood at the open door "ew no, boys rooms are so gross" a young sounding female voice called back "its not gross its a room" Y/n growled "its your room its gross!" she shouted before a door slammed shut, Y/n sighed and closed the door before he sat down on the floor by the tv and un-paused the game.

After a few hours Trixie opened Y/n's door "we're going hunting you want to come?" she asked with a smile "nah I'm good, still full from the last one" Y/n said barely paying attention "ok, we'll bring you back a snack, don't have another party and don't burn the house down" she said before she walked out, Y/n hummed then put his controller down and stood up watching them leave out the window before he picked his phone up and text someone before he grabbed a jumper and walked out, ben tilted his head and crawled out into his room before Jeff ran in making him jump as he slammed the door open "hey twink, Shadows having a party tonight you coming?" Jeff asked "yeah sure, my stash is running low" ben sighed as he walked over "good come on" Jeff said with a wider smile before he grabbed ben and pulled him out.

They got to an old looking longhouse on the other side of the woods surrounded by flowers and vines with some moss on the roof, Jeff opened the door to show lots of strange and feral creatures talking and drinking as music played, Jeff walked off leaving ben to wonder around "benni, what you doin here?" Shadow asked as he walked over looking like a shadow with two large black wings and small horns with a spinning halo of blood just above his head "Jeff said you were having a party" ben shrugged before Shadow pulled him off into the crowd "hey Y/n, got someone for ya to meet" Shadow called as he stopped at the sofas and let go of ben, he blushed as he saw Y/n sat on the sofa smoking a joint with a small tray in-front of him, he looked over his pupils wide and his e/c eyes glossed over as his wings were folded behind him "have fun" Shadow said as he pushed ben over making him land on Y/n's lap before he walked off "hey there cutie" Y/n said with a smile as he helped ben up "h-hi" ben said with a dark blush as he sat next to Y/n "what's your name?" Y/n asked as he turned to face ben a bit more "ben" ben said before Shadow put a drink in bens hand and a lit joint in his mouth "Y/n play nice" Shadow said before he walked off again, ben took a drag of the joint and picked the drink up "what are you?" Y/n asked as he watched ben "dead technically, but I'm an elf" ben said taking a drink to hide his blush then finished his joint "aren't elf's supposed to be tall?" Y/n asked as he took a drink "yeah" ben sighed before Y/n pinned him to the sofa making bens blush darken "Shadow said you might be the one who keeps sneaking into my room" Y/n said with a dark smirk making ben curl up a bit "uh yeah" he said turning his head away "why?" Y/n asked before he looked over as everyone cheered and laughed as Jeff was wrestling with some strange looking creature as Shadow and a few others watched from the rafters laughing and drinking "lets go somewhere quieter" Y/n said as he stood up then pulled ben up making his legs shake a bit making Y/n smirk.

he carried ben into one of the spare rooms and pinned him to the wall making ben gasp as his blush darkened "wha-" ben stopped as Y/n quickly kissed him and ran his hands to his hips making ben shiver as he ran his hands over Y/n's chest to his shoulders, Y/n pulled back smirking before he quickly covered bens mouth and sank his sharp teeth into his neck, ben arched his back as a few blood tears dropped from his eyes before he felt his body heating up and lust starting to cloud his mind, Y/n pulled back and smirked as ben fell into him panting "you taste like sexual frustration" Y/n groaned as he picked ben up and dropped him on the bed "w-what do you mean?" ben whimpered softly as Y/n crawled over him with a hungry look in his eyes "I'm a lust fairy, we're kinda like succubi, but we feed off lust and sexual fantasy's. and you have so many" Y/n said as he pulled bens legs around his waist "wait so your just hungry?" ben asked before he felt Y/n lightly drag his nails down his back making him moan softly "yes and no, your scent is so intoxicating" Y/n said with a shiver before he pulled bens top off "it will take more then one night to get through all my fantasy's especially the ones of you" ben cooed as he pulled Y/n over making him smirk "I wouldn't mind a regular feeding partner" Y/n said before ben turned them over so he was sitting on Y/n's crotch with a devious smile making Y/n shiver before he pulled his own top off showing off more of his s/c skin "this time I'm not waiting" ben said as he pulled his white legging like trousers off showing he was wearing a black g-string underneath making Y/n shiver before he pulled his jeans and boxers off then quickly shoved himself into ben making him cover his mouth to stop a scream as he panted softly "cant wait" Y/n breathed as he turned ben over and started thrusting making ben wince and moan as he wriggled and dug his nails into Y/n's shoulders being careful of his wings "gods your such a little slut~" Y/n groaned as he thrusted harder and pulled bens hips back making him moan louder as his body shook and a little pre-cum leaked from his cock "good little sluts deserve a reward~" ben moaned as he pushed his hips back and gave Y/n an innocent look making him shudder as he twitched "oh is my energy to much for you big boy?~" ben cooed with a smirk as he pushed his hips back and let out a loud moan as Y/n growled and slammed into him hitting his prostate head on "just a little" Y/n groaned as he twitched again and watched as ben started stroking himself "hit that again please~" he begged as he tightened his legs around Y/n's waist, Y/n groaned and thrusted a little faster hitting his prostate again and again "Y/n~ uh ah~ Y/N!~" ben called as his eyes rolled back and he arched his back cumming all over his hand sending Y/n over the edge as he came with a long satisfied groan and collapsed onto ben his wings twitching softly as he panted, ben smiled and stroked his hair "was that to much for you?" he asked with a smirk "I've never met anyone who can do that to me, I want more" Y/n breathed as he sat up "I have many more fantasy's" ben said with a smirk as he turned them over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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