part 2. offenderman x seme M!reader

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Offender sat in slenders office, he was covered in hickys and bruises with several bite marks "What happened? You look like you've been raped" Slender sighed, offender grinned.

~flashy backkkk~

Offender purred and kissed up y/n's neck as he lay on top of him on the sofa "offender, I'm tired, go fuck a slut" y/n mumbled, offender licked down y/n's bare chest and slipped his long tongue into y/n's pants and started licking his cock, y/n groaned but kept his eyes closed "bad offender" he breathed, offender stopped and kissed y/n slipping his tongue into his mouth, they broke apart and offender saw a lustful hunger burning in y/n's e/c eyes "now your going to get it, don't say I didn't warn you" he said lowly as he pinned offender to the sofa then sucked and bit at every bit of skin he could...

~end of flashy backkkk~

Slender sighed "the human tops" he said smirking "slendy, be nice, don't forget I top you too" slenders husband said from the door with their 10 year old son chasing a mouse, "ahh, shadow, that's not a mouse" Jeff shouted, slenders husband quick ran off leaving offender and his brother "tell y/n to calm down a little, and you, stop being so horny, he wants more then just sex offender" slender said standing up "now I need to go and help my husband with my son, goodbye offender" slender said as they heard slenders husband shout "I don't know what he can do, aghhh, Jeff check the cabinets whilst I check the celling."

Offender was snuggling with y/n and purred whilst nussling into his chest "warm, why are you like a pillow?" Offender whined as he let his body relax on y/n "because I get lay on a lot, and I now have an idea for tomorrow's sex session" y/n smirked as he shifted a little to get comfortable, offender smiled and closed his eyes "I love you y/n" he mumbled, "love ya too" y/n mumbled back as he fell asleep.

I know it's crap. But i kinda run out of ideas at like 11:15 pm, so deal with it.

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